I want connect my website to database Mysql (using OleDb) but appear this message error:
the provider 'MySQLProv' is not register the local machine
Watch my code:
infcon = "Provider=MySQLProv;Server=localhost;Data Source=mysql;User Id=root;Password=control;";
usr = Login1.UserName.ToString().Trim();
pwd = Login1.Password.ToString().Trim();
sql = "select * from accesos where nombre ='"+usr+"' and clave ='"+pwd+"'";
OleDbConnection conectar = new OleDbConnection(infcon);
OleDbCommand comando = new OleDbCommand(sql, conectar);
thanks for help me!!!
I want connect my website to database Mysql (using OleDb) but appear this message error:
the provider 'MySQLProv' is not register the local machine
Watch my code:
infcon = "Provider=MySQLProv;Server=localhost;Data Source=mysql;User Id=root;Password=control;";
usr = Login1.UserName.ToString().Trim();
pwd = Login1.Password.ToString().Trim();
sql = "select * from accesos where nombre ='"+usr+"' and clave ='"+pwd+"'";
OleDbConnection conectar = new OleDbConnection(infcon);
OleDbCommand comando = new OleDbCommand(sql, conectar);
thanks for help me!!!