I'm currently working on a solution that injects branding into all web requests. I've gone down the asp.net httphandler route as the majority of our web solutions use this framework.
My question is this: How do I call this asp.net component on say classic ASP, JSP web requests?
I'm working on IIS v6. I've tried adding the mapping for all web requests to the asp.net dll which works great for the branding but breaks the actual content.
Any help or advice much appriciated.
Merry christmas,
I'm currently working on a solution that injects branding into all web requests. I've gone down the asp.net httphandler route as the majority of our web solutions use this framework.
My question is this: How do I call this asp.net component on say classic ASP, JSP web requests?
I'm working on IIS v6. I've tried adding the mapping for all web requests to the asp.net dll which works great for the branding but breaks the actual content.
Any help or advice much appriciated.
Merry christmas,