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ASP mail with cdonts through an Exchange server

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Dec 3, 2001
Hi, im going desperate here.

I want on our Intranet be able to have a form to fill out and sent it, using cdonts and the exchange server.

I have tried alot of things and i cant get the SMTP server configured right, actully i dont know how i just tried alot of bull, the mails i create just keep popup in the queue folder with an error messeage.

I need help to configure the SMTP server and maybe how to update the Cdonts to work with exchange

my system: NT4.0 with IIS 4.0 and a NT4.0 with Exchange 5.5 SP3

hope you can help thansk

When I ran into this problem a while back it was a security issue with our exchange server not having rights to the folder --- Microsoft actually had some good help -

Remember these variables
strFrom = Trim(Request.Form("txtFrom"))
strTo = Trim(Request.Form("txtTo"))
strCc = Trim(Request.Form("txtCc"))
strBcc = Trim(Request.Form("txtBcc"))
strReplyTo = Trim(Request.Form("txtReplyTo"))
strSubject = Trim(Request.Form("txtSubject"))
strBody = Trim(Request.Form("txtMessage"))
lngImportance = Trim(Request("optImportance"))
lngMsgFormat = Trim(Request("optMsgType"))
lngMsgEncode = Trim(Request("optMsgEncode"))
lngAttEncode = Trim(Request("optAttEncode"))
strFileName = Trim(Request.Form("txtattfile"))

Set objMsg = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
If Len(Trim(strReplyTo)) > 0 Then
End If

objMsg.From = strFrom
objMsg.To = strTo
objMsg.Cc = strCc
ObjMsg.Bcc = strBcc
objMsg.Subject = strSubject
objMsg.Importance = lngImportance
objMsg.BodyFormat = lngMsgFormat
objMsg.MailFormat = lngMsgEncode
objMsg.Body = strBody
If Len(Trim(strFileName)) > 0 Then
objMsg.AttachFile strFileName, , lngAttEncode
End If

Set objMsg = Nothing

WriteHTML("The following message was sent via
CDO for NTS:")
WriteHTML("From: " &strFrom)
WriteHTML("To: " &strTo)
WriteHTML("Cc: " &strCc)
WriteHTML("Bcc: " &strBcc)
WriteHTML("Reply To: " &strReplyTo)
WriteHTML("Subject: " &strSubject)
WriteHTML("Body: " &strBody)
WriteHTML("Importance: " &lngImportance)
WriteHTML("Message Format: " &lngMsgFormat)
WriteHTML("Message Encode: " &lngMsgEncode)
WriteHTML("File Attachment: " &strFileName)
WriteHTML("File Attachment Encode: " &lngAttEncode)

and look here one MS's site -

Hope it helps
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