New member
- Jan 1, 1970
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Can't get the asp linking to show on the page. not the first one but the one in the java script?
<title>main >test</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<script language="JavaScript">
function MM_initTimelines() {
//MM_initTimelines() Copyright 1997 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
var ns = navigator.appName == "Netscape";
document.MM_Time = new Array(1);
document.MM_Time[0] = new Array(1);
document.MM_Time["Timeline1"] = document.MM_Time[0];
document.MM_Time[0].MM_Name = "Timeline1";
document.MM_Time[0].fps = 15;
document.MM_Time[0][0] = new String("behavior"
document.MM_Time[0][0].frame = 1;
document.MM_Time[0][0].value = "MM_timelineGoto('Timeline1','1')";
document.MM_Time[0].lastFrame = 1;
for (i=0; i<document.MM_Time.length; i++) {
document.MM_Time.ID = null;
document.MM_Time.curFrame = 0;
document.MM_Time.delay = 1000/document.MM_Time.fps;
<script language="JavaScript">
function MM_timelineGoto(tmLnName, fNew, numGotos) {
var i,j,tmLn,props,keyFrm,sprite,numKeyFr,firstKeyFr,lastKeyFr,propNum,theObj;
if (document.MM_Time == null) MM_initTimelines(); //if *very* 1st time
tmLn = document.MM_Time[tmLnName];
if (numGotos != null)
if (tmLn.gotoCount == null) tmLn.gotoCount = 1;
else if (tmLn.gotoCount++ >= numGotos) {tmLn.gotoCount=0; return}
jmpFwd = (fNew > tmLn.curFrame);
for (i = 0; i < tmLn.length; i++) {
sprite = (jmpFwd)? tmLn : tmLn[(tmLn.length-1)-i]; //count bkwds if jumping back
if (sprite.charAt(0) == "s" {
numKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames.length;
firstKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames[0];
lastKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames[numKeyFr - 1];
if ((jmpFwd && fNew<firstKeyFr) || (!jmpFwd && lastKeyFr<fNew)) continue; //skip if untouchd
for (keyFrm=1; keyFrm<numKeyFr && fNew>=sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm]; keyFrm++);
for (j=0; j<sprite.values.length; j++) {
props = sprite.values[j];
if (numKeyFr == props.length) propNum = keyFrm-1 //keyframes only
else propNum = Math.min(Math.max(0,fNew-firstKeyFr),props.length-1); //or keep in legal range
if (sprite.obj != null) {
if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[propNum];
else sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[propNum];
} } } }
tmLn.curFrame = fNew;
if (tmLn.ID == 0) eval('MM_timelinePlay(tmLnName)');
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
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<td height="27" valign="bottom">
<div align="left"> <a href=" target="_top"><img src="../images/j/vicamtext.gif" width="56" height="9" border="0"></a></div>
<td height="25"><font size="1"><b><font size="1"><font size="2" color="#000000"><font face="Arial"><% produkt = 7020013938%></font></font><font color="#000000" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><!--#INCLUDE FILE="auto/pris.asp" --></font></font></b></font>
<td height="17" valign="bottom">
<div align="left"> <font size="2"><a href=" target="_top"><font color="#FF0000"><b><font face="Arial">Click
to Order</font></b></font></a></font></div>
lnkmon="altmon="Coolpix digital camera";
lnktue="alttue="clik! reader";
lnkwed="altwed="BJC 6000";
lnkthu="altthu="BJC 6000";
lnkfri="altfri="BJC 6000";
lnksat="altsat="BJC 6000";
lnksun="altsun="BJC 6000";
mydate=new Date()
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<title>main >test</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<script language="JavaScript">
function MM_initTimelines() {
//MM_initTimelines() Copyright 1997 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
var ns = navigator.appName == "Netscape";
document.MM_Time = new Array(1);
document.MM_Time[0] = new Array(1);
document.MM_Time["Timeline1"] = document.MM_Time[0];
document.MM_Time[0].MM_Name = "Timeline1";
document.MM_Time[0].fps = 15;
document.MM_Time[0][0] = new String("behavior"
document.MM_Time[0][0].frame = 1;
document.MM_Time[0][0].value = "MM_timelineGoto('Timeline1','1')";
document.MM_Time[0].lastFrame = 1;
for (i=0; i<document.MM_Time.length; i++) {
document.MM_Time.ID = null;
document.MM_Time.curFrame = 0;
document.MM_Time.delay = 1000/document.MM_Time.fps;
<script language="JavaScript">
function MM_timelineGoto(tmLnName, fNew, numGotos) {
var i,j,tmLn,props,keyFrm,sprite,numKeyFr,firstKeyFr,lastKeyFr,propNum,theObj;
if (document.MM_Time == null) MM_initTimelines(); //if *very* 1st time
tmLn = document.MM_Time[tmLnName];
if (numGotos != null)
if (tmLn.gotoCount == null) tmLn.gotoCount = 1;
else if (tmLn.gotoCount++ >= numGotos) {tmLn.gotoCount=0; return}
jmpFwd = (fNew > tmLn.curFrame);
for (i = 0; i < tmLn.length; i++) {
sprite = (jmpFwd)? tmLn : tmLn[(tmLn.length-1)-i]; //count bkwds if jumping back
if (sprite.charAt(0) == "s" {
numKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames.length;
firstKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames[0];
lastKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames[numKeyFr - 1];
if ((jmpFwd && fNew<firstKeyFr) || (!jmpFwd && lastKeyFr<fNew)) continue; //skip if untouchd
for (keyFrm=1; keyFrm<numKeyFr && fNew>=sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm]; keyFrm++);
for (j=0; j<sprite.values.length; j++) {
props = sprite.values[j];
if (numKeyFr == props.length) propNum = keyFrm-1 //keyframes only
else propNum = Math.min(Math.max(0,fNew-firstKeyFr),props.length-1); //or keep in legal range
if (sprite.obj != null) {
if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[propNum];
else sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[propNum];
} } } }
tmLn.curFrame = fNew;
if (tmLn.ID == 0) eval('MM_timelinePlay(tmLnName)');
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<table border="0" width="90" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td height="27" valign="bottom">
<div align="left"> <a href=" target="_top"><img src="../images/j/vicamtext.gif" width="56" height="9" border="0"></a></div>
<td height="25"><font size="1"><b><font size="1"><font size="2" color="#000000"><font face="Arial"><% produkt = 7020013938%></font></font><font color="#000000" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><!--#INCLUDE FILE="auto/pris.asp" --></font></font></b></font>
<td height="17" valign="bottom">
<div align="left"> <font size="2"><a href=" target="_top"><font color="#FF0000"><b><font face="Arial">Click
to Order</font></b></font></a></font></div>
lnkmon="altmon="Coolpix digital camera";
lnktue="alttue="clik! reader";
lnkwed="altwed="BJC 6000";
lnkthu="altthu="BJC 6000";
lnkfri="altfri="BJC 6000";
lnksat="altsat="BJC 6000";
lnksun="altsun="BJC 6000";
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