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ASP File upload error

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Apr 17, 2003

I've got an excellent file upload script which works really well.

If I upload a .txt file, then there are no problems, however, if I try uploading a .doc or .pdf then the file does upload, but the script has moved on and saya that the file did not upload, thus the next part of the script fails.

'Added functions by BKS Graphic Design
	scriptn = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
	cvemail = "cvemail.asp"
	SavePath = "F:\Web_Data\mvsav\web\uploads"
	set con2 = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
	con2.Open  "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='F:\Web_Data\mvsav\web\mvspublic.mdb'"
	dPassword = "oktosend"
    ForWriting = 2
    	adLongVarChar = 201
    	lngNumberUploaded = 0
    'Create a database connection
    	Set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
    'Create a recordset 
    		Set rstLog = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
    		On Error Resume Next
    	'Open the connection
    		conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=F:\Web_Data\mvsav\web\UploadLog.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"     
    		if err.number = "-2147467259" Then
    			'the database is missing create it
    			'Response.Write "<tr><td class=maintext>Create Database</td></tr>"
    			'reopen the connetion
    			conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=F:\Web_Data\mvsav\web\UploadLog.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" 
    		End if
    	'Open recordset
    		rstLog.Open "Select * from Logs", conn, 3, 3, 1	
    'Get binary data from form		
    	noBytes = Request.TotalBytes 
    	binData = Request.BinaryRead (noBytes)
    'convery the binary data to a string
    	Set RST = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    	LenBinary = LenB(binData)
    	if LenBinary > 0 Then
    		RST.Fields.Append "myBinary", adLongVarChar, LenBinary
    				RST("myBinary").AppendChunk BinData
    		strDataWhole = RST("myBinary")
    	End if
    	'get the boundry indicator
    		strBoundry = Request.ServerVariables ("HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE")
    		lngBoundryPos = instr(1,strBoundry,"boundary=") + 8 
    		strBoundry = "--" & right(strBoundry,len(strBoundry)-lngBoundryPos)
    	'ParseForm returns a dictionary object
    	'You can ParseForm any time after the
    	'Boundry indicator is set.
		' dPassword set at top of script by BKS Graphic Design
    	'Set dPassword = ParseForm("Password") 
    	Set dOptions = ParseForm("Options")
    		'both of these are valid	
    		'Response.Write ParseForm("Password").item(0) & "<BR>"
    		'Response.write dPassword.item(0) & "<BR>"
    		'Just write the data In the TArea
    		'response.Write ParseForm("TArea").item(0) & "<BR>"
			Email = ParseForm("Email").item(0)
			UName = ParseForm("Name").item(0)
			ref = ParseForm("ref").item(0)
			<table width="80%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
							strSQL4 = "SELECT * FROM  vacancies WHERE posref='" & ref & "';"
							rs4 = con2.Execute(strSQL4)
                            <td class="maintext"><%=rs4("posref")%></td>
                            <td class="maintext"><%=rs4("Posname")%></td>
                            <td class="maintext"><%=rs4("posdesc")%></td>
								<table width="80%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    		'SavePath = ParseForm("ServerPath").item(0)
    		if SavePath = "" or isempty(SavePath) Then
    			Response.Write "<H2> The following Error occured.</H2>"
    		Response.Write "You did Not enter a server path To save your file to."
    		Response.Write "<BR><BR>Hit the back button, make the needed corrections and resubmit your information."
    		Response.Write "<BR><BR><INPUT type='button' onclick='history.go(-1)' value='<< Back' id='button'1 name='button'1>"
    		End if
    		intCount = dOptions.count
    		if intCount > 0 Then
    			For x = 0 To intCount
    				Select Case dOptions.item(x) 
    					Case "Raw"
    						Raw = True
    					Case "Boundry"
    						Boundry = True
    				End Select
    			Raw = False
    			Boundry = False
    		End if
    		if dPassword <> "oktosend" Then
    		'Log invalid attempt To log file.
    		'Log the Date and time, the IP, the Path	
    			rstLog(0) = Now()
    			rstLog(1) = request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
    			rstLog(2) = SavePath
    			rstLog(3) = "Invalid Logon"
    			rstLog(4) = ref
				rstLog(5) = Email
				rstLog(6) = UName
    			Response.Write "<H2> The following Error occured.</H2>"
    			Response.Write "The Password you entered is invalid."
    			Response.Write "<BR><BR>Hit the back button, make the needed corrections and resubmit your information."
    			Response.Write "<BR><BR><INPUT type='button' onclick='history.go(-1)' value='<< Back' id='button'1 name='button'1>"
    		End if
    	'Creates a raw data file For With all 
    'data sent. Uncomment for debuging.
    		if Raw Then
    		Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    			Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(SavePath & "\raw.txt", ForWriting, True)
    			f.Write strDataWhole
    		Set f = nothing
    		Set fso = nothing
    		End if
    'Get first file boundry positions.
    lngCurrentBegin = instr(1,strDataWhole,strBoundry)
    lngCurrentEnd = instr(lngCurrentBegin + 1,strDataWhole,strBoundry) - 1
    countloop = 0
    Do While lngCurrentEnd > 0
    'Get the data between current boundry 
    'and remove it from the whole.
    strData = mid(strDataWhole,lngCurrentBegin, (lngCurrentEnd - lngCurrentBegin) + 1)
    'Remove the file data from the whole	
    		'strDataWhole = replace(strDataWhole,strData,"")
    'Get the full path of the current file.
    	lngBeginFileName = instr(1,strdata,"filename=") + 10
    	lngEndFileName = instr(lngBeginFileName,strData,chr(34)) 
    'Make sure they selected at least one 
    	if lngBeginFileName = lngEndFileName and lngNumberUploaded = 0 Then
			<form name=transfer style=hidden action="<%=cvemail%>" method=POST>
			<input type=hidden name=ref value="<%=ref%>">
			<input type=hidden name=name value="<%=UName%>">
			<input type=hidden name=email value="<%=Email%>">
			<input type=hidden name=filename value="<%=FileName%>">
			<script language=javascript>
    	End if
    'There could be one or more empty file boxes.	
    	if lngBeginFileName <> lngEndFileName and lngBeginFileName - 10 <> 0 Then
    		strFilename = mid(strData,lngBeginFileName,lngEndFileName - lngBeginFileName)
    'Creates a raw data file with data 
    'between current boundrys. Uncomment 
    'for debuging.
    		if Boundry Then
    		Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    		Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(SavePath & "\raw_" & lngNumberUploaded & ".txt", ForWriting, True)
    			f.Write strData
    		Set f = nothing
    		Set fso = nothing
    		End if
    'Loose the path information and keep 
    'just the file name.	
    		tmpLng = instr(1,strFilename,"\")
    		Do While tmpLng > 0
    			PrevPos = tmpLng
    			tmpLng = instr(PrevPos + 1,strFilename,"\")
    		FileName = right(strFilename,len(strFileName) - PrevPos)
    'Get the begining position of the file 
    'data sent.
    'if the file type is registered with 
    'the browser then there will be a 
    		lngCT = instr(1,strData,"Content-Type:")
    		if lngCT > 0 Then
    			lngBeginPos = instr(lngCT,strData,chr(13) & chr(10)) + 4
    			lngBeginPos = lngEndFileName
    		End if
    'Get the ending position of the file 
    'data sent.
    		lngEndPos = len(strData) 
    'Calculate the file size.	
    		lngDataLenth = (lngEndPos - lngBeginPos) -1
    'Get the file data	
    		strFileData = mid(strData,lngBeginPos,lngDataLenth)
    'Create the file.	
    		Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    		Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(SavePath & "\" & FileName, ForWriting, True)
    		f.Write strFileData
    		Set f = nothing
    		Set fso = nothing
    		'Log Upload Informatoin.
    			'Log the Date and time, the IP, the Path, and the Filename
    				rstLog(0) = Now()
    				rstLog(1) = request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
    				rstLog(2) = SavePath
    				rstLog(3) = FileName
    				rstLog(4) = ref
					rstLog(5) = Email
					rstLog(6) = UName
    			if lngNumberUploaded = 0 Then
    				Response.Write "<tr><td class=maintext>Transfering File...<BR></td></tr>"
    			End if
    		Response.Write "<tr><td class=maintext>" & FileName & "</td></tr>"
    		lngNumberUploaded = lngNumberUploaded + 1
    	End if
 'Get then next boundry postitions if 
    	lngCurrentBegin = lngCurrentEnd
    	lngCurrentEnd = instr(lngCurrentBegin + 9 ,strDataWhole,strBoundry) - 1
    	'Prevents infinate loop.
    		countloop = countloop + 1
    		if countloop = 400 Then
    			Response.Write "looped 100 times terminating script!"
    			'Close the Log
    			if rstLog.State Then rstLog.close
    			if conn.State Then conn.Close
    		End if
    	'Close the Log
    		if rstLog.State Then rstLog.close
    		if conn.State Then conn.Close
			' Return to main page to email CV
			<form name=transfer style=hidden action="<%=cvemail%>" method=POST>
			<input type=hidden name=ref value="<%=ref%>">
			<input type=hidden name=name value="<%=UName%>">
			<input type=hidden name=email value="<%=Email%>">
			<input type=hidden name=filename value="<%=FileName%>">
			<script language=javascript>
			'Response.Write "<META http-equiv=Refresh content=0;url=cvemail.asp?ref=" & ref & "&name=" & UName & "&email=" & Email & "&filename=" & FileName & "&add=" & HAdd & ">"
    		'Response.Write "<STRONG>" & lngNumberUploaded & " File(s) Uploaded</STRONG>"
    		'Response.Write "<BR><BR><INPUT type='button' onclick='document.location=" & chr(34) & scriptn & chr(34) & "' value='<< Back to Upload' id='button'1 name='button'1>"	 						
    	Case 3
    		'get prev path if any
    		path = Request.QueryString("Path")
    		'if Not assign one
    		if path = "" or isempty(path) Then
    			path = server.MapPath("../")
    		End if
    		'create filesystemobject
    		Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    		'get a folder object
    		Set f = fso.GetFolder(path)
    		path = f.path
    		'limit access To hard drive
    		'if lcase(left(path,10)) <> "c:\inetpub" Then
    		'	path = "C:\Inetpub"
    		'	Set f = fso.GetFolder(path)
    		'	path = f.path
    		'End if
    		Response.Write "<H2>Server Browse Form.</H2>"	
    		Response.Write "<FORM ACTION='" & scriptn & "?func=1' METHOD=POST>"
    		Response.Write "<TABLE width=400 border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1>" & vbcrlf
    		Response.Write "<TR><TH colspan=2>" & path & "</TH></TR>"
    		Response.Write "<TR><TD colspan=2 align=left><A href='" & scriptn & "?func=3&path=" & path & "\..'><STRONG>Parent ..</STRONG></A></TD></TR>" & vbcrlf
    		'get subfolders collection
    		Set fc = f.subfolders
    		'enum subfolders 
    		For Each folder In fc
    			Response.Write "<TR><TD align=left><INPUT NAME=BrowseServer TYPE=CheckBox Value='" & folder.path & "'></TD><TD style='padding-left: 20px;' align=left><A href='" & scriptn & "?func=3&path=" & folder.path & "'>" & folder.name & "</A></TD></TR>" & vbcrlf
    		'if there is a folder display the Select folder button
    			if fc.count > 0 Then
    				Response.Write "<TR><TD align=left colspan=2><BR><INPUT name=submit type='submit' value='Select Folder'></TD></TR>"
    			End if
    			Response.Write"<TR><TD colspan=2><INPUT name=cancel type='Button' value='Cancel' onclick=document.location='" & scriptn & "?func=1'></TD></TR>"
    		Response.Write "</TABLE>" & vbcrlf
    		Response.Write "</FORM>"
    End Select
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vbscript RUNAT=Server>
    	function ParseForm(strFieldName)
    		Set strFormData = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    		lngCount = -1
    		'Try To find the Field
    		lngNamePos = instr(1,strDataWhole,"name=" & chr(34) & strFieldName & chr(34))
    		'Parse through data In search of fields
    			Do While lngNamePos <> 0
    				lngCount = lngCount + 1
    				lngBeginFieldData = instr(lngNamePos,strDataWhole,vbcrlf & vbcrlf)+4
    				lngEndFieldData = instr(lngBeginFieldData,strDataWhole,strBoundry)-2
    				strFormData.Add lngCount, mid(strDataWhole,lngBeginFieldData,lngEndFieldData-lngBeginFieldData)
    				lngNamePos = instr(lngEndFieldData,strDataWhole,"name=" & chr(34) & strFieldName & chr(34))
    			Set ParseForm = strFormData
    	End function
    	function CreateDatabase
    			'on Error Goto 0
    	'create an instance of a catalog(Database)
    		Set cat = server.createobject("ADOX.Catalog")
    	'create the catalog	 
    			cat.Create ("Provider='Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0';Data Source='F:\Web_Data\mvsav\web\UploadLog.mdb'")	
    			Set connNew = cat.ActiveConnection 
    			connNew.CursorLocation = 3
    		'get the Connection and add a Table and the following fields	
    			connNew.execute "Create Table [Logs]"
    			connNew.execute "Alter Table [Logs] Add Column [DateTimeStamp] DATETIME"
    			connNew.execute "Alter Table [Logs] Add Column [IP Address] TEXT(15)"
    			connNew.execute "Alter Table [Logs] Add Column [Path] TEXT(100)"
    			connNew.execute "Alter Table [Logs] Add Column [File] TEXT(100)"
    			connNew.execute "Alter Table [Logs] Add Column [Notes] MEMO"
				connNew.execute "Alter Table [Logs] Add Column [email] TEXT(50)"
				connNew.execute "Alter Table [Logs] Add Column [name] TEXT(50)"
    		'clean up	
    			Set connNew = nothing
    			Set cat = nothing
    	End function

Sorry for the long list of ode, but I'm not sure where the error may be and I don't want to miss anything.

I can not see anything that tells it to move on if the file is not .txt?

Any help would be most welcomed as this has got me completely stumped.



ICT Network Administrator
IT Services Manager
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