When i run my HTML Page and click on the picture i got <% = resultat%> instead of having all names in my database
It seems like ASP don't work (Should i add something else ?)
Thx for your help
My HTML Page
<head><title>Index page ASP</title></head>
<body bgcolor="blue">
<object id="Monobj" width=0 height=0 style="visibility:hidden" type="text/x-scriptlet" data="fichier.asp">
<img src="photo.jpg" align="middle" language="vbscript" onclick="msgbox monobj.liste,vbexclamation,'eee'">
My ASP Page
<head><title>Pas ASP</title></head>
on error resume next
dim rs
dim resultat
set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset"
rs.open "personne","DSN=sflo",,,2
do while not rs.eof
resultat = resultat & rs.fields("nom" & " "
set rs = nothing
<script language="vbscript">
dim mResult
mResult = "<% = resultat %>"
function public_get_liste()
public_get_liste = mResult
end function
It seems like ASP don't work (Should i add something else ?)
Thx for your help
My HTML Page
<head><title>Index page ASP</title></head>
<body bgcolor="blue">
<object id="Monobj" width=0 height=0 style="visibility:hidden" type="text/x-scriptlet" data="fichier.asp">
<img src="photo.jpg" align="middle" language="vbscript" onclick="msgbox monobj.liste,vbexclamation,'eee'">
My ASP Page
<head><title>Pas ASP</title></head>
on error resume next
dim rs
dim resultat
set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset"
rs.open "personne","DSN=sflo",,,2
do while not rs.eof
resultat = resultat & rs.fields("nom" & " "
set rs = nothing
<script language="vbscript">
dim mResult
mResult = "<% = resultat %>"
function public_get_liste()
public_get_liste = mResult
end function