We are currently converting a VB client/server system into an ASP front-end which processes business objects in MTS on the server.<br><br>The Users are used to a VB front-end which validates most of the input before they send it off so Im trying to include as much as possible field-level validation rather than sending the whole page to be validated.<br><br>document.forms("MAINFORM".txtCardNumber.select()<br>document.forms("MAINFORM".txtCardNumber.focus()<br><br>1) Is there a bug in the ONCHANGE event which doesn't allow focus to return to the field where the error is? (IE5) <br>I have checked this on DejaNews and it seems its a common problem. The same code works OK on the ONBLUR event but then you have all the problems assosiated with a lost focus type event. Anybody got any ideas how to get round this?<br><br>document.forms("MAINFORM".txtStartDateInfo.Value="*Required"<br><br>2) When I validate the Cardnumber field I access an object on the server (via RDS) which returns the properties of the Card Input i.e. whether it needs a StartDate or Issue Number etc.. I would really like to put something like "*Required" after the input field but apart from putting another readonly input field by the side of the existing one and then updating that through DOM (Which works but looks naff) I can't find anything but an input field which I can access through the DOM. Any ideas?<br><br>Thanks in anticipation