I have a problem I haven't been able to locate an answer for. I have a directory "A" that my VB6 dll file is located at, in that directory, are two subdirectories "B1" and "B2". Each subdirectory houses a separate instance of the web application.
Each of the subdirectories contains a file named connection.txt which should tell the dll file which database to connect to. I have the following code in the Initialize Class of my dll.
Open App.Path & "\connection.txt" For Input As #1
Line Input #1, DSN
Close #1
The App.Path is the problem. It is currently listed as the "A" directory.
How can I set the Path statement to the path of the file that calls the dll?
Each of the subdirectories contains a file named connection.txt which should tell the dll file which database to connect to. I have the following code in the Initialize Class of my dll.
Open App.Path & "\connection.txt" For Input As #1
Line Input #1, DSN
Close #1
The App.Path is the problem. It is currently listed as the "A" directory.
How can I set the Path statement to the path of the file that calls the dll?