Company use Lotus Notes as mail server. In VB, I create SendNotesMail.dll with class cSendMail that allows users send Email through Notes. The DLL works in VB environment. I try to use this DLL in my ASP page. I do
Set oMail = Server.CreateObject("SendNotesMail.cSendMail"
oMail.SendNotesMail “”, “Subject …”, “Detail…”
I got {29131401-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7} did not register with DCOM
I found the 29131… in the registry for Lotus Notes.
Any help is appreciated.
Set oMail = Server.CreateObject("SendNotesMail.cSendMail"
oMail.SendNotesMail “”, “Subject …”, “Detail…”
I got {29131401-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7} did not register with DCOM
I found the 29131… in the registry for Lotus Notes.
Any help is appreciated.