I hope some one can help me with this.
I am trying to teach myself how to use asp and flash together. I am using the book server side flash. On the very first exercise, I ran into problems.
As far as I can tell I followed the books instructions to the letter, But either the book left something out or I am missing something.
OK on to the problem. The page that I am using to test is this is hwere my movie is located and
this is where my asp script is located. Where the movie is located
I have a button with the following action script attached.
on (release) {
loadVariablesNum(" 0);
I am using a dynamic textbox with variable name set to fromASP
on the data.asp page I have the following vbscript
Dim fromASP
fromASP = "Greetings from ASP"
Response.Write fromASP
I am expecting that when the button is pressed that I should get the following message.
"Greetings from ASP"
What am I doing wrong.
I am trying to teach myself how to use asp and flash together. I am using the book server side flash. On the very first exercise, I ran into problems.
As far as I can tell I followed the books instructions to the letter, But either the book left something out or I am missing something.
OK on to the problem. The page that I am using to test is this is hwere my movie is located and
this is where my asp script is located. Where the movie is located
I have a button with the following action script attached.
on (release) {
loadVariablesNum(" 0);
I am using a dynamic textbox with variable name set to fromASP
on the data.asp page I have the following vbscript
Dim fromASP
fromASP = "Greetings from ASP"
Response.Write fromASP
I am expecting that when the button is pressed that I should get the following message.
"Greetings from ASP"
What am I doing wrong.