Hi All,
Migrating an app to DB2, having an issue reading / displaying CLOB data with ASP.
The code produces nothing but ?????????????? in place of the expected result unless we use the CAST command to alter the CLOB to varchar. Is there another field type to consider using as the data is strictly text?
Is this a character set problem or is there something else I need to look at?
I wish my computer would do what I want it to do,
instead of what I tell it to do...
Migrating an app to DB2, having an issue reading / displaying CLOB data with ASP.
sql="SELECT ann_id, ann_details FROM announcements Fetch First 1 Rows Only;"
set rsDC=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
with rsDC
.CursorLocation = 3
.Open SQL, PortalStDB, 0, 1
If Not rsDC.EOF AND Not rsDC.BOF Then
ann_Id= rsDC.Fields("ann_id")
ann_details= rsDC.Fields("ann_details").GetChunk(6000)
End If
End With
set rsDC=nothing
response.write "ann_details="&ann_details& "<BR>"
The code produces nothing but ?????????????? in place of the expected result unless we use the CAST command to alter the CLOB to varchar. Is there another field type to consider using as the data is strictly text?
Is this a character set problem or is there something else I need to look at?
I wish my computer would do what I want it to do,
instead of what I tell it to do...