The problem I'm having is when the user selects the first combo box, it suppost to populate the second box. What I need to do is to retrive the selected value from the combobox and pass it into a select statement for the second.
Combo1 (SelectPrimary) has 3 fixed values and the remaining is retrieved from a table. - This works correctly.
Problem code -----------------
if (menuNum >= 3)
siteopt = new Array;
m = "Govt"
m = request("SelectPrimary"
strsql = "SELECT * FROM webGrpSub Where WebGrp='" & m & "'"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
rs.Open strsql, conn, 1, 2
i = 0
do while not rs.eof %>
siteopt[<%=i%>] = new Option("<%=rs("WebGrpSub"
<%i = i + 1
When I default the sql to a value, it works fine, but if I use the request it doesn't. Also I'm not using a form.
MenuNum is an index number of the selected item from combo1.
I'm modifing the code that I got from:
Combo1 (SelectPrimary) has 3 fixed values and the remaining is retrieved from a table. - This works correctly.
Problem code -----------------
if (menuNum >= 3)
siteopt = new Array;
m = "Govt"
m = request("SelectPrimary"
strsql = "SELECT * FROM webGrpSub Where WebGrp='" & m & "'"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
rs.Open strsql, conn, 1, 2
i = 0
do while not rs.eof %>
siteopt[<%=i%>] = new Option("<%=rs("WebGrpSub"
<%i = i + 1
When I default the sql to a value, it works fine, but if I use the request it doesn't. Also I'm not using a form.
MenuNum is an index number of the selected item from combo1.
I'm modifing the code that I got from: