This is a continuation of thread thread178-1136501 which was closed about 2 years ago. I'm trying to figure out what index I need to create in order to prevent the system from creating a temporary index. I was told that if I turned on debugging, and then checked my job log, it would tell me which fields are being indexed. So I turned on debugging strdbg, ran my query, and checked the job log. This is what it contained:
It tried using i-series navigator visual explain as well. When I click on the icon for the temp index, it gives me the following information:
Key Columns of Index Created: *Map ascend, *Map ascend.
What does *map mean? This join really should be a no-brainer. Both tables have identical primary keys, and I'm joining on the primary key. Yet the optimizer would rather create a temp index than use the primary key.
Still doesn't tell me which fields are in the temp index.**** Starting optimizer debug message for query .
All access paths were considered for file ZUMADF00.
Additional access path reason codes were used.
All access paths were considered for file POLICYINFO.
Access path built for file POLICYINFO.
File ZUMADF00 processed in join position 1.
File POLICYINFO processed in join position 2.
Query options retrieved file QAQQINI in library QUSRSYS.
**** Ending debug message for query .
It tried using i-series navigator visual explain as well. When I click on the icon for the temp index, it gives me the following information:
Key Columns of Index Created: *Map ascend, *Map ascend.
What does *map mean? This join really should be a no-brainer. Both tables have identical primary keys, and I'm joining on the primary key. Yet the optimizer would rather create a temp index than use the primary key.