import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
var cookieValue: ="myGetCookie", "yumyum");
if (cookieValue==1) {this.gotoandplay(15)}
This worked perfectly in AS2. But these people have compeletly changed everything with AS3. I get all kinds of errors in AS3. Any help on how to code this right in AS3?
ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property ::cookieValue on global.
at Timeline0_e48252b3c782d46a9f429a26c25bf69/::frame5()
The ExternalInterfaceCall is calling a javascript which gets a cookie called yumyum.
Please help...
var cookieValue: ="myGetCookie", "yumyum");
if (cookieValue==1) {this.gotoandplay(15)}
This worked perfectly in AS2. But these people have compeletly changed everything with AS3. I get all kinds of errors in AS3. Any help on how to code this right in AS3?
ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property ::cookieValue on global.
at Timeline0_e48252b3c782d46a9f429a26c25bf69/::frame5()
The ExternalInterfaceCall is calling a javascript which gets a cookie called yumyum.
Please help...