I used to do array in VBSCRIPT like below… I am not sure how I should do it in PowerShell… Can any help me out…?
dim arrErrors(12)
arrErrors(0) = "APP0"
arrErrors(1) = " APP1"
arrErrors(2) = " APP2"
arrErrors(3) = " APP3”
arrErrors(4) = "APP4"
arrErrors(5) = "APP5"
arrErrors(6) = "APP6"
arrErrors(7) = "APP7"
arrErrors(8) = "APP8"
arrErrors(9) = "APP9"
arrErrors(10) = "APP10"
arrErrors(11) = "APP11"
arrErrors(12) = "APP12"
for i = 0 to ubound(arrErrors)
strError = arrErrors(i)
if (left(lcase(strErrorLine), len(strError)) = lcase(strError)) then
objErrorLog.WriteLine strErrorLine & vbTab & strComputer & vbTab & "Found Error number" & vbTab & i
exit for
end If