Hi All,<br> I am using CR8. My problem is I need to take a character field (NAME) and break it apart to get last name and first initial. I cannot use LEFT (string,# of places) as I don't know how many places. The field looks like this:<br><br> Castner, Linda<br> Ciani, Susan<br><br>I have tried to tell CR that the name field is an array and read each character till I reach a ','.<br><br>stringVar array lastname := [{GENERAL_PROFILE.INDIV_NAME}];<br>numberVar x := 1;<br>while lastname [x] <> ',' do <br> (if x > 23 then<br> exit while; <br> x := x + 1);<br>Left ({GENERAL_PROFILE.INDIV_NAME}, x); <br><br>When I check the formula I get no errors, but, when I run the report I get the error:<br><br> A subscript must be between 1 and the size of the array. <br><br>The field is 24 characters long. Could someone point me in the right direction please? <p>LindaC<br><a href=mailto:lcastner@co.orange.ny.us>lcastner@co.orange.ny.us</a><br><a href= > </a><br>