Hello people,
I have made following code below:
my code loops through columns 14 to 25
and for each cell message the content
now is my question how do I msgbox the total for all elements in one row?
thank you in advance
I have made following code below:
my code loops through columns 14 to 25
and for each cell message the content
now is my question how do I msgbox the total for all elements in one row?
Sub myAr()
Dim mystring As Integer
For x = 1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).row
Dim j As Integer
For j = 14 To 25
mystring = Cells(x, j).Value
Next j
' I for each cell above I get a value I need now to sum all the values to a total and msgbox here for each row.
Next x
End Sub
thank you in advance