each number in the first array corresponds to a letter in the 2nd array. how can I get rid of similar terms. For example 6 and r are double. I want to get rid of one pair.
The array_unique function is good if you have dupes in the same array. If you want to compare 2 different arrays, you can do that like this:
foreach($a as $c)
{foreach($b as $d)
{if($c == $d)
The problem with unset tho...is that it will remove the indices/keys of the array element (unlike the array_unique). For example (these variables are not corresponding to the above code): If $a's index is 0, and $b is 1 (in the first array)....$c is 0 and $d is 1 in the (in the second array)....and $d & $a are dupes in the 2 arrays...you unset $a, it then $a would be gone and $c will remain 1. The indices do not change! - PAINKILLER
aack...last line: you unset $a and then $a would be gone and $b would remain with an index of 1. There would be no 0 in the first array. Ofcourse this just applies to 1 dimensional arrays.
Hope that helped, it's fairly simple. - PAINKILLER
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