is it possible to create and access an array of datastores? I have the following scripts in my window:
* Instance variable : datastore ids_detail[]
open event
for i = 1 to 2
ids_detail = Create datastore
ids_detail.dataobject = 'd_sample1'
for i = 1 to 2
ls_sql = ids_detail.Describe("Datawindow.Table.Select"
so far, it's doing everything as expected with the first element of the array, but it's returning an empty string on the describe statement of the 2nd second datastore. Also, in the debugger, it shows that the dataobject has been assigned to the 2nd datastore, but it does not enter in the following condition:
if ids_detail[2].dataobject = 'd_sample1' then
end if
I would appreciate any input, comments and suggestions.
Thank you.
* Instance variable : datastore ids_detail[]
open event
for i = 1 to 2
ids_detail = Create datastore
ids_detail.dataobject = 'd_sample1'
for i = 1 to 2
ls_sql = ids_detail.Describe("Datawindow.Table.Select"
so far, it's doing everything as expected with the first element of the array, but it's returning an empty string on the describe statement of the 2nd second datastore. Also, in the debugger, it shows that the dataobject has been assigned to the 2nd datastore, but it does not enter in the following condition:
if ids_detail[2].dataobject = 'd_sample1' then
end if
I would appreciate any input, comments and suggestions.
Thank you.