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Array.length not returning the correct value

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Sep 8, 2005
I have a (Coldfusion) document that has a dynamic number of small data entry forms. I'm trying to write code to populate one of the text inputs based on data entered in the first form.

I just started writing the javascript and before writing my iteration code (function PopulateBardoce) I tested the iteration count in an alert. My test document definitely has 25 forms, yet, the alert is displaying 23?

I'm stumped on this one, any help appreciated.

I always try not to dump all my code when asking for help but I think I may have to on this one.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">[/URL]
<html xmlns="[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">[/URL]
	<title>OHRC Specimen Card</title>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<cfparam name="Session.TestBarn.HowManyCards" default="25">
<cfinclude template="security.cfm">
<cfquery name="TrackList" datasource="TestBarn">
	Select description
	From Track
	Where code='#Session.TestBarn.Track#'
<cfquery name="GetCardCount" datasource="Testbarn">
	Select id
	From Cards
	Where RaceDate=<cfqueryparam value="#CreateODBCDate(Session.TestBarn.RaceDate)#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_DATE">
	And Track=<cfqueryparam value="#Session.TestBarn.Track#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_CHAR">
	And Box=<cfqueryparam value="#Session.TestBarn.box#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_CHAR">
	And Seal=<cfqueryparam value="#Session.TestBarn.seal#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_CHAR">
<cfset Session.TestBarn.HowManyCards=Max(Session.TestBarn.HowManyCards,GetCardCount.RecordCount)>
	<table class="Binkleytable" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
		<cfloop from="1" to="#Session.TestBarn.HowManyCards#" index="i">
			<cfquery name="GetCard" datasource="Testbarn">
				Select id, RaceDate, BarCode, BloodDrug, Urine, Salix, Procaine, 
				Horse, Tattoo, Race, Finish, Color, Sex, Age, Trainer, Owner, 
				WitnessName, WitnessBy, SampledBy, Notes, Blood
				From Cards
				Where RaceDate=<cfqueryparam value="#CreateODBCDate(Session.TestBarn.RaceDate)#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_DATE">
				And Track=<cfqueryparam value="#Session.TestBarn.Track#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_CHAR">
				And Box=<cfqueryparam value="#Session.TestBarn.box#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_CHAR">
				And Seal=<cfqueryparam value="#Session.TestBarn.seal#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_CHAR">
				And Page=<cfqueryparam value="#i#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_CHAR">
				<td class="ColumnHeadingCell">
					Page #i#
				<td class="NormalCell" align="center" valign="middle">
					<form name="Cards" id="Cards" method="post" action="PrintCard.cfm" target="_blank" onsubmit="DisplaySaved(this,'Saved#i#');">
						<input name="PageNumber" type="Hidden" value="#i#">
						<input name="TrackDescription" type="Hidden" value="#TrackList.Description#">
						<table align="center" class="BinkleyTable" width="100%">
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="3">
									Date: #DateFormat(Session.TestBarn.RaceDate,'mm/dd/yyyy')# &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Note: <input name="Notes" size="10" maxlength="50" type="Text" value="#GetCard.Notes#">
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="2">
									<div align="right">
										Sample Number: <input name="BarCode" size="10" value="#GetCard.BarCode#">
										<cfif Not GetCard.RecordCount And i is 1>
											<input type="Button" value="Barcode" [COLOR=red]onclick="PopulateBardoce(this)[/color];">
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="1">
									Blood/Drug: <input name="BloodDrug" type="Checkbox" <cfif GetCard.RecordCount and GetCard.BloodDrug>checked="checked"</cfif>>
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="1">
									Urine: <input name="Urine" type="Checkbox"<cfif GetCard.RecordCount and GetCard.Urine>checked="checked"</cfif>>
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="1">
									Salix: <input name="Salix" type="Checkbox"<cfif GetCard.RecordCount and GetCard.Salix>checked="checked"</cfif>>
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="1">
									<div align="right">Procaine: <input name="Procaine" type="Checkbox"<cfif GetCard.RecordCount and GetCard.Procaine>checked="checked"</cfif>></div>
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="1">
									<cfif GetCard.RecordCount>
										<div align="right">Blood: <input name="Blood" type="Checkbox" <cfif GetCard.Blood>checked="checked"</cfif>></div>
										<div align="right">Blood: <input name="Blood" type="Checkbox" checked="checked"></div>
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="2">
									Horse: <input name="Horse" size="20" maxlength="50" value="#GetCard.Horse#">
								<td class="DataLabel">
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="2">
									<div align="right">Tattoo: <input name="tattoo" size="15" value="#GetCard.tattoo#"></div>
								<td class="DataLabel">
									Race: <input name="Race" size="2" value="#GetCard.Race#">
								<td class="DataLabel">
									Finish: <input name="Finish" size="2" value="#GetCard.Finish#">
								<td class="DataLabel">
									Color: <input name="Color" size="6" value="#GetCard.Color#" maxlength="12">
								<td class="DataLabel">
									Sex: <input name="Sex" size="2" value="#GetCard.Sex#">
								<td class="DataLabel">
									<div align="right">Age: <input name="Age" size="2" value="#GetCard.Age#"></div>
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="2">
									Trainer: <input name="Trainer" size="25" maxlength="50" value="#GetCard.Trainer#">
								<td class="DataLabel">
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="2">
									<div align="right">Track: #TrackList.Description#</div>
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="5">
									Owner: <input name="Owner" size="50" value="#GetCard.Owner#">
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="3">
									Witness Name: <input name="WitnessName" size="50" value="#GetCard.WitnessName#">
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="2">
									Witness By: <input name="WitnessBy" size="50" value="#GetCard.WitnessBy#">
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="5">
									Sampled By: <input name="SampledBy" size="50" value="#GetCard.SampledBy#">
								<td class="DataLabel" colspan="5">
									<div align="center"><input type="Submit" value="Print/Save Card">&nbsp;
										<span id="Saved#i#" style="color: red;">
											<cfif Trim(GetCard.WitnessName) gt '' and Trim(GetCard.WitnessBy) gt '' and Trim(GetCard.SampledBy) gt ''>

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
	function trim(t) {
 	   return t.replace( /^\s+/, "" ).replace( /\s+$/, "" );
	[COLOR=red]function PopulateBardoce() [/color]{
		if (trim(document.Cards[0].BarCode.value) == "" ) {
			//alert("Cannot Populate with and Empty Barcode");
	function DisplaySaved(Currentfrm,CurrentIteration){
		if (trim(Currentfrm.WitnessName.value) != "" && trim(Currentfrm.WitnessBy.value) != "" && trim(Currentfrm.SampledBy.value) != "") {


---People Remember about 10% of what you say ---They never forget how you made them feel. Covey

Please post the generated HTML, not the server-side code. Use your browser's View Source command and paste what you can see there. ( You can cut off the decorations and irrelevant parts. )

I got it!

document.Cards[0].length retuns the number of elements in that form.

document.Cards.length returns the number of form elements named Cards...

hope this helps someone else.


---People Remember about 10% of what you say ---They never forget how you made them feel. Covey
This shouldn't have an bearing on your issue but....

<input type="Button" value="Barcode" onclick="PopulateBardoce(this);" [red]/[/red]>

need / to properly close the input
Thanks, I will.


---People Remember about 10% of what you say ---They never forget how you made them feel. Covey
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