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ARM Assembly language...converting to lowercase and sorting!

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Mar 1, 2009
I have an assignment where I have to write a code that has 7 subroutines that perform the following:

· uart_init initializes the user UART for use.
· output_character transmits a character from the UART to HyperTerminal.
· read_string reads a string entered in HyperTerminal and stores it as a null-terminated string in memory. The user terminates the string by hitting Enter.
· output_string transmits a null-terminated string to be displayed in HyperTerminal.
· read_character reads a character which is received by the UART from HyperTerminal.
· convert_2_lowercase is the subroutine which converts all the characters in the string to lowercase.
· sort orders the characters in the word alphabetically.


SER EQU 0x04           ; Serial Port
USTAT0 EQU 0x08   ; UART Status Register
TRANS EQU 0x0C    ; Transmit Register
RECEIV EQU 0x10    ; Receive Register
BAUD EQU 0x14      ; 

string = "--------------------",0 
prompt = " Enter a string up to 20 characters long:", 0



STMFD SP!,{lr}       ; Store register lr on stack

BL uart_init           ; Branch to uart_init

LDR r10, =prompt        ; Prompts user
BL output_string 
LDR r8, =string              ; Loads string into r8

MOV r9, r8
BL read_string

BL convert_2_lowercase

BL sort


uart_init                 ; INITIALIZE UART 

STMFD SP!,{lr}             ; Store register lr on stack

LDR r1, =0x03FFD000         ; Load base address into r1
MOV r2, #0                                ; Turn off serial port
STR r2, [r1, #SER]                     Contents of 0x3FFD004, stored into r2

LDR r1, =0x03FFD000             ; Load base address into r1
MOV r2, #3                                ; Set port for 8 bits, 1 stop, 0 parity
STR r2, [r1]                         ; Store the value 3 into memory address 0x3FFD000

LDR r1, =0x03FFD000                 ; Load base address into r1
MOV r2, #9                           ; Turn on serial port
STR r2, [r1, #SER]               ; Store the value 9 into memory address 0x3FFD004

LDR r1, =0x03FFD000               ; Load base address into r1
MOV r2, #162                             ; Set to 9600 baud
MOV r2, r2, LSL #4                      ; Left shift value 162 stored in r2 by 
                                                       ; 4 spots, and recopy into r2
STR r2, [r1, #BAUD]                  ; Store left shifted value in r2 into 
                                                     ; memory address 0x3FFD014

LDMFD SP!, {lr}                      ; Restore register lr from stack 
MOV pc, lr


read_string             ; READ STRING ENTERED BY USER UNTIL
                                  ; ENTER KEY IS REACHED

STMFD SP!,{lr}         ; Store register lr on stack

STORE BL read_character
STRB r0, [r9]                             ; Store the byte
ADD r9, r9, #1
BL output_character              ; Display the contents of each byte
CMP r0, #13                            ; Finish when the Enter key is pressed
MOV r0, #0
STRB r0, [r9]

LDMFD SP!, {lr}                           ; Restore register lr from stack 
MOV pc, lr



STMFD SP!,{lr}                                  ; Store register lr on stack

LOOP LDR r1, =0x03FFD000
LDR r2, [r1, #USTAT0]
TST r2, #32
LDR r0, [r1, #RECEIV]

LDMFD SP!, {lr}                             ; Restore register lr from stack 
MOV pc, lr



STMFD SP!,{lr}                                ; Store register lr on stack

LOOP2 LDR r1, =0x03FFD000       ; Load memory address 0x03FFD000 into r1
LDR r2, [r1, #USTAT0]                      ; Load 0x03FFD004 into r2
TST r2, #64 ; Clear bit 6
STR r0, [r1, #TRANS]                      ; Store contents of 0x03FFD004 into r1

LDMFD SP!, {lr}                                 ; Restore register lr from stack 
MOV pc, lr


output_string                    ; SHOW STRING IN HYPERTERMINAL
                                            ; UNTIL IT REACH END

STMFD SP!,{lr}                         ; Store register lr on stack

LDRB r0, [r10], #1                        ; Load the byte from address in r10 into r0
                                                       ;  and post-index r10 by 1
CMP r0, #0                                  ; Finish when the string comes to a 0
BL output_character

DONE2                                    ; Branch here if null character is reached

LDMFD SP!, {lr}                       ; Restore register lr from stack 
MOV pc, lr


convert_2_lowercase               ; CONVERTS VALUES ENTERED TO THEIR
                                                  ; LOWERCASE FORM

MOV r5, #65                          ; r5 holds ascii value for capital A
MOV r6, #90                          ; r6 holds ascii value for capital Z

LDR r11, string                      ; load address for string into r11
MOV r3, #0                              ; move #0 into r0

LOOPZ MOV r12, r11             ; move value in r11 to r12
LDRB r3, [r12]                         ; load byte content from r12 into r0

CMP r3, #13                   ; Compare contents of r3 to ascii value for SPACE
BEQ LOOP                     ; If equal to SPACE, Branch to LOOPE and increment

LOOPX CMP r3, r6                  ; Compare r0 to Z
BLE LOOPY                              ; Branch to LOOPY if r0 < Z
B DONE                                ; Otherwise, Branch to DONE

LOOPY CMP r3, r5                    ; Compare r0 to A
BLT DONE                                ; Branch to DONE if r0 < A

ADD r3, r3, #32                   ; Add 32 to acsii value in r3 and copy back to r3
LOOPE STRB r3, [r12], #1     ; store value in r3 into memory address r12 - Post
                                                    index by 1
CMP r12, #0                             ; Compare post indexed r12 address to NULL
BEQ output_string                 ; Branch to DONE if r12=0
B LOOPZ                                ; If unequal, unconditional branch to LOOPZ

DONE ; Done


STMFD SP!,{lr} ; Store register lr on stack

LDR r7, =string
MOV r0, #0
LDRB r0, [r7]
MOV r8, r7

ADD r4, r7, r0
MOV r1, #0
ADD r8, r8, #1

LDRB r2, [r4], #-1
LDRB R3, [r4]
CMP r2, r3
BCC skip

STRB r2, [r4], #1
STRB r3, [r4]
ADD r1, r1, #1
SUB r4, r4, #1

CMP r4, r8
BHI after
CMP r1, #0
BNE sort2


LDMFD SP!, {lr} ; Restore register lr from stack 
MOV pc, lr


LDMFD SP!, {lr} ; Restore register lr from stack 
MOV pc, lr

he code prompts the user fine, and it reads and transmits the string perfectly as well. However, I can't seem to figure out how to Branch and Link my program from the "main" part to my convert_2_lowercase and sort programs so that they function as well.

I appreciate any and all the help I can get. I'm honestly lost at this point.
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