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Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric. 1

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Jan 21, 2008
Please note, the SQL is handled dynamically by the SQL Server, therefore some items in my WHERE clause will look odd to you. Please disregard. I am getting the following Error in my report.

Server: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 8, Line 112
Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric.
The statement has been terminated.

/* Billing Status Report 11/22/03 CySolutions 
Revised 5/6/06 */

         TicketNumber VARCHAR(20) ,
         Visit DATETIME ,
         LastDateFiled DATETIME ,
         FirstDateFiled DATETIME ,
         InsBalance MONEY ,
         PatBalance MONEY ,
         PrimaryInsuranceCarrier VARCHAR(50) ,
         CurrentInsuranceCarrier VARCHAR(50) ,
         CurrentCarrier NUMERIC(1 , 0) ,
         BillStatus VARCHAR(50) ,
         BillStatusID INT ,
         Entered DATETIME ,
         FilingType INT ,
         DaysSinceFiled INT ,
         PatientName VARCHAR(50) ,
         VisitOwner VARCHAR(50) ,
         Description VARCHAR(100) ,
         Doctor VARCHAR(100) ,
         Credentialed VARCHAR(1)

-- Insert the New Records
IF '1' = '1'
   OR 1 IN ( NULL ) 
        ISNULL(a.TicketNumber , 'None') ,
        CONVERT(VARCHAR , a.ApptStart , 101) ,
        '' ,
        '' ,
        0 ,
        0 ,
        ISNULL(ic.ListName , 'None') ,
        ISNULL(ic.ListName , 'None') ,
        1 ,
        'New' ,
        1 ,
        '' ,
        0 ,
        0 ,
        pp.Last + ', ' + pp.First + ' - ' + pp.PatientID ,
        'Appointment' ,
        '' ,
        d.ListName ,
        CASE WHEN icd.InsuranceCarriersDoctorID IS NOT NULL THEN 'X'
             ELSE ' '
        dbo.InsuranceCarriers ic
        INNER JOIN dbo.PatientInsurance pi ON ic.InsuranceCarriersId = pi.InsuranceCarriersId
        RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Appointments a ON pi.PatientProfileId = a.OwnerId
        INNER JOIN dbo.PatientProfile pp ON a.OwnerID = pp.PatientProfileID
        INNER JOIN DoctorFacility d ON ISNULL(a.DoctorID , a.ResourceID) = d.DoctorFacilityID
        LEFT JOIN InsuranceCarriersDoctor icd ON pi.InsuranceCarriersID = icd.InsuranceCarriersID
                                                 AND ISNULL(a.DoctorID , a.ResourceID) = icd.DoctorID
        ( pi.OrderForClaims = 1 )
        AND ( a.PatientVisitId IS NULL )
        AND ( a.ApptKind = 1 )
        AND (
              a.HideNewVisit IS NULL
              OR a.HideNewVisit = 0
        AND (
              a.Canceled IS NULL
              OR a.Canceled = 0
        AND ( a.ApptStart < GETDATE() )
        AND a.ApptStart >= ISNULL(NULL , '1/1/1900')
        AND a.ApptStart < DATEADD(day , 1 , ISNULL(NULL , '1/1/3000'))
        AND  --Filter on insurance carrier
            NULL IS NOT NULL
            AND ic.InsuranceCarriersId IN ( NULL )
          OR ( NULL IS NULL )
        AND  --Filter on facility
            NULL IS NOT NULL
            AND a.FacilityID IN ( NULL )
          OR ( NULL IS NULL )
        AND  --Filter on insurance group
            NULL IS NOT NULL
            AND ic.InsuranceGroupId IN ( NULL )
          OR ( NULL IS NULL )
        AND  --Filter on Doctor
            NULL IS NOT NULL
            AND a.ResourceID IN ( NULL )
          OR ( NULL IS NULL )
-- Enter the Visit Records
        pv.TicketNumber ,
        pv.Visit ,
        pv.LastFiledDate ,
        pv.FirstFiledDate ,
        pva.InsBalance ,
        pva.PatBalance ,
        ISNULL(ic.ListName , 'None') ,
        ISNULL(ic.ListName , 'None') ,
        pv.CurrentCarrier ,
        bs.Description ,
        pv.BillStatus ,
        pv.Entered ,
        ISNULL(pv.FilingType , 0) ,
        CASE WHEN pv.LastFiledDate IS NULL THEN 0
             ELSE DATEDIFF(d , pv.LastFiledDate , GETDATE())
        END ,
        pp.Last + ', ' + pp.First + ' - ' + pp.PatientID ,
        ISNULL(vo.Description , 'No Owner') ,
        ISNULL(LEFT(pv.Description , 100) , '') ,
        d.ListName ,
        CASE WHEN icd.InsuranceCarriersDoctorID IS NOT NULL THEN 'X'
             ELSE ' '
        dbo.PatientVisit pv
        INNER JOIN dbo.PatientProfile pp ON pv.PatientProfileId = pp.PatientProfileId
        LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InsuranceCarriers ic ON pv.PrimaryInsuranceCarriersId = ic.InsuranceCarriersId
        LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.PatientVisitAgg pva ON pv.PatientVisitId = pva.PatientVisitId
        LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InsuranceCarriers cic ON pv.CurrentInsuranceCarriersId = cic.InsuranceCarriersId
        LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.MedLists bs ON bs.JoinId = pv.BillStatus
                                           AND bs.TableName = 'BillStatus'
        INNER JOIN DoctorFacility d ON pv.DoctorID = d.DoctorFacilityID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN MedLists vo ON pv.VisitOwnerMID = vo.MedListsID
        LEFT JOIN InsuranceCarriersDoctor icd ON pv.CurrentInsuranceCarriersId = icd.InsuranceCarriersID
                                                 AND pv.DoctorID = icd.DoctorID
        pv.Visit >= ISNULL(NULL , '1/1/1900')
        AND pv.Visit < DATEADD(day , 1 , ISNULL(NULL , '1/1/3000'))
        AND pv.BillStatus NOT IN ( 12 , 10 )
	--Filter on BillStatus
        AND (
                NULL IS NULL
                AND '1' = '1'
              OR (
                   '1' = '2'
                   AND NULL IS NULL
              OR pv.BillStatus IN ( NULL )
        AND  --Filter on insurance carrier
            NULL IS NOT NULL
            AND ic.InsuranceCarriersId IN ( NULL )
          OR ( NULL IS NULL )
        AND  --Filter on facility
            NULL IS NOT NULL
            AND pv.FacilityID IN ( NULL )
          OR ( NULL IS NULL )
        AND  --Filter on insurance group
            NULL IS NOT NULL
            AND ic.InsuranceGroupId IN ( NULL )
          OR ( NULL IS NULL )
        AND -- Carrier priority to include
          ( 1 = 1 )
          OR (
               1 = 2
               AND pv.CurrentCarrier = 1
          OR (
               1 = 3
               AND pv.CurrentCarrier > 1
        AND  --Filter on visitowner
            NULL IS NOT NULL
            AND pv.VisitOwnerMID IN ( NULL )
          OR ( NULL IS NULL )
        AND  --Filter on Doctor
            NULL IS NOT NULL
            AND pv.DoctorID IN ( NULL )
          OR ( NULL IS NULL )

IF 0 <> 1 
    BillStatus <> 'New'
Disregard - changed the type to INT and it seems ok. Thanks!
I was just gonna mention about the CurrentCarrier column. In the temp table, you define it at NUMERIC(1,0). This means, no decimal places, but only allow 1 digit for the whole number part, so NUMERIC(1,0) can store a number in the range of -9 to 9.


"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
So i should be ok by changing it to INT?
You are inserting in to the temp table from two different queries. In the top query, you are hardcoding the value 1. In the second query, this value is coming from the PatientVisit table (CurrentCarrier) column.

My suggestion would be to set the data type of the column in the temp table to match the data type of the CurrentCarrier column of the PatientVisit table. In fact.... I would encourage you to change (if necessary) all the columns in the temp table to match the data types in the real table(s).


"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
Thank you so much for your wisdom! I will do so.
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