Heres what I got:
Public Sub WriteDataCheck(Optional strPublisherName As String, Optional curTotal As Currency)
Open "datacheck" & Date & ".log" For Append As #1 'Writing information for check and wire transfer info
Write #1, strPulisherName, curTotal
Close #1
End Sub
And then I call the sub like this:
WriteDataCheck(mrstPublisher.Fields(0), pcurTotalDue)
When I type in the above line, it pops up a compile error stating "=" expected. Please help!!
Public Sub WriteDataCheck(Optional strPublisherName As String, Optional curTotal As Currency)
Open "datacheck" & Date & ".log" For Append As #1 'Writing information for check and wire transfer info
Write #1, strPulisherName, curTotal
Close #1
End Sub
And then I call the sub like this:
WriteDataCheck(mrstPublisher.Fields(0), pcurTotalDue)
When I type in the above line, it pops up a compile error stating "=" expected. Please help!!