Hello Guys,
I'm really struggling with any form of joins at the moment, maybe its a lack of understand but i'm not sure.
I've got another problem that i'm looking for a little help with.
Basicly i'm looking to query my tables for a list of my schedules for each event, then return the campaign details, message details, and unit details that they apply to.
I've got this almost working, however i'm unable to filter the results by iether MessageID or CampaignID, i'm guessing its due to the organisation of my JOINS, but i'm not knowledgable enough to know.
Here is my query at present, but this just returns a list off details for all entries in the tblMessageCampaignScheduleLink table, rather than filtering out according to the WHERE clauses on MessageID and CampaignID.
Hope you can help chaps, I know i've been posting alot recently but I've thrown myself in the deep and in the hope i'll learn how to swim a little quicker.
I'm really struggling with any form of joins at the moment, maybe its a lack of understand but i'm not sure.
I've got another problem that i'm looking for a little help with.
Basicly i'm looking to query my tables for a list of my schedules for each event, then return the campaign details, message details, and unit details that they apply to.
I've got this almost working, however i'm unable to filter the results by iether MessageID or CampaignID, i'm guessing its due to the organisation of my JOINS, but i'm not knowledgable enough to know.
Here is my query at present, but this just returns a list off details for all entries in the tblMessageCampaignScheduleLink table, rather than filtering out according to the WHERE clauses on MessageID and CampaignID.
<cfquery name="qGetMessageSchedule" datasource="#application.dsn#">
SELECT tblTxtMessage.id,
FROM tblMessageCampaignScheduleLink
LEFT JOIN tblTxtMessage
ON tblMessageCampaignScheduleLink.messageID = tblTxtMessage.id
LEFT JOIN tblUnitCampaignLink
ON tblMessageCampaignScheduleLink.campaignID = tblUnitCampaignLink.campaignID
LEFT JOIN tblUnits
ON tblUnitCampaignLink.unitID = tblUnits.box_id
LEFT JOIN tblCampaigns
ON tblUnitCampaignLink.unitID = tblCampaigns.id
<cfif IsDefined("arguments.aMessageID")>
WHERE tblMessageCampaignScheduleLink.messageID = #arguments.aMessageID#
<cfif IsDefined("arguments.aCampaignID")>
AND tblMessageCampaignScheduleLink.campaignID = #arguments.aCampaignID#
AND tblMessageCampaignScheduleLink.startDate between current_date
and date_add(current_date, interval 7 day)
OR tblMessageCampaignScheduleLink.endDate between current_date
and date_add(current_date, interval 7 day)
Hope you can help chaps, I know i've been posting alot recently but I've thrown myself in the deep and in the hope i'll learn how to swim a little quicker.