Recently area code 234 was added in our area, a couple prefixes are local and a few are long distance.
Local prefixes should be "521 650" and LD prefixes should be "207 380 466 521 567 650 788".
The way the current programming is set up it's allowing both the Local and LD calls to go through without first dialing a "1".
What changes do I need to make in order to force the LD prefixes to request that a "1" be dialed before dialing the phone number?
Much thanks in advance!
NPA 330
ALOW 209 214 218 224 232 236 244 265 266 268
280 284 290 292 293 305 309 312 313 316
320 323 324 327 353 359 361 363 371 408
409 412 413 415 417 418 430 433 437 438
445 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 458 470
471 477 478 479 481 484 488 489 490 491
492 493 494 495 497 498 499 508 514 516
526 546 566 575 579 580 588 605 639 649
685 704 705 709 737 754 756 767 768 775
791 806 809 818 826 828 830 832 833 834
837 838 844 854 879 880 891 902 904 915
918 919 933 936 949 955 956 966 970 985
NPA 234
ALOW 521 650
NPA 330
DENY 209 214 218 224 232 236 244 265 266 268
280 284 290 292 293 305 309 312 313 316
320 323 324 327 353 359 361 363 371 408
409 412 413 415 417 418 430 433 437 438
445 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 458 470
471 477 478 479 481 484 488 489 490 491
492 493 494 495 497 498 499 508 514 516
526 546 566 575 579 580 588 605 639 649
685 704 705 709 737 754 756 767 768 775
791 806 809 818 826 828 830 832 833 834
837 838 844 854 879 880 891 902 904 915
918 919 933 936 949 955 956 966 970 985
NPA 234
ALOW 207 380 466 521 567 650 788
Local prefixes should be "521 650" and LD prefixes should be "207 380 466 521 567 650 788".
The way the current programming is set up it's allowing both the Local and LD calls to go through without first dialing a "1".
What changes do I need to make in order to force the LD prefixes to request that a "1" be dialed before dialing the phone number?
Much thanks in advance!
NPA 330
ALOW 209 214 218 224 232 236 244 265 266 268
280 284 290 292 293 305 309 312 313 316
320 323 324 327 353 359 361 363 371 408
409 412 413 415 417 418 430 433 437 438
445 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 458 470
471 477 478 479 481 484 488 489 490 491
492 493 494 495 497 498 499 508 514 516
526 546 566 575 579 580 588 605 639 649
685 704 705 709 737 754 756 767 768 775
791 806 809 818 826 828 830 832 833 834
837 838 844 854 879 880 891 902 904 915
918 919 933 936 949 955 956 966 970 985
NPA 234
ALOW 521 650
NPA 330
DENY 209 214 218 224 232 236 244 265 266 268
280 284 290 292 293 305 309 312 313 316
320 323 324 327 353 359 361 363 371 408
409 412 413 415 417 418 430 433 437 438
445 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 458 470
471 477 478 479 481 484 488 489 490 491
492 493 494 495 497 498 499 508 514 516
526 546 566 575 579 580 588 605 639 649
685 704 705 709 737 754 756 767 768 775
791 806 809 818 826 828 830 832 833 834
837 838 844 854 879 880 891 902 904 915
918 919 933 936 949 955 956 966 970 985
NPA 234
ALOW 207 380 466 521 567 650 788