My question seems a little odd to me even. I have developed an ASP page on Microsoft PWS that works perfectly. I have recently moved this work to a new Windows NT server. On this server, almost everything works except the following script which concatantes the entries from the same field in two different records and deletes the second record if another field holds identical data for those two records. My question is: is there any reason why a script would work on one server but not on another?<br><br><br><br>If Not objRec.BOF And objRec.recordcount > 1 Then<br> Dim recIndex, id, author <br> recIndex = 0<br> While Not objRec.EOF<br> id = objRec("RefID"<br> author = objRec("AUTHOR"<br> objRec.moveprevious<br> While Not objRec.BOF<br> If objRec("RefID" = id Then<br> objRec("AUTHOR" = objRec("AUTHOR" & " / " & author<br> objRec.move adBookMarkFirst, recIndex<br> objRec.delete<br> objRec.moveprevious<br> id = objRec("RefID" <br> End If<br> objRec.moveprevious<br> WEnd<br> recindex = recindex + 1<br> objRec.Move adBookMarkFirst, recindex<br> WEnd<br>End If<br>