Technical User
Well I guess my title here explains my query. I am wanting to use a session id as a unique identifier in a table. Is this possible or recommended?
If it is not suitable I am planning on entering info in a table which will occupy more than one row (different items from a cart) and using the autonumber field of the first item as the unique order number something like this:
RS.Open orderinfo, objConn, adOpenKeySet, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
RS("itemid" = Request(“itemid”)
RS("quantity" = Request(“quantity”)
RS("sessionid" = Request(“sessionid”)
orderid = RS("autonumber"
this would get me the number but the first item added would still have an empty orderid column so..
Set objRS = Nothing
Sql = SELECT * FROM orderinfo WHERE orderid = ("&orderid&" sql
Rs(“orderid”) = orderid
and then pass the orderid to a hidden field and on we go..
Any feedback very welcome
Justin. X-) "Creativity is the ability to introduce order into the randomness of nature." Eric Hoffer
Visit me at
If it is not suitable I am planning on entering info in a table which will occupy more than one row (different items from a cart) and using the autonumber field of the first item as the unique order number something like this:
RS.Open orderinfo, objConn, adOpenKeySet, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
RS("itemid" = Request(“itemid”)
RS("quantity" = Request(“quantity”)
RS("sessionid" = Request(“sessionid”)
orderid = RS("autonumber"
this would get me the number but the first item added would still have an empty orderid column so..
Set objRS = Nothing
Sql = SELECT * FROM orderinfo WHERE orderid = ("&orderid&" sql
Rs(“orderid”) = orderid
and then pass the orderid to a hidden field and on we go..
Any feedback very welcome
Justin. X-) "Creativity is the ability to introduce order into the randomness of nature." Eric Hoffer
Visit me at