How do i resolve the error...
849 Run backup Job schelduled for 12/03/02 at 8:00PM
849 Start Backup Operation. (QUEUE=1, JOB=4)
W3073 Unable to logon as user (USER=Administrator, EC=LOGON FAILURE)
N5962 Media in device group GROUP0 is not in the scratch set of pool BACKUP_DLY
N5940 Please mount one of the following media in device GROUP0:
N5941 1.<BLANK>
848 Backup operation Cancelled
Really, really need help as I have to backupn this server tonight or else face unemployment..
thankx in advance.....
849 Run backup Job schelduled for 12/03/02 at 8:00PM
849 Start Backup Operation. (QUEUE=1, JOB=4)
W3073 Unable to logon as user (USER=Administrator, EC=LOGON FAILURE)
N5962 Media in device group GROUP0 is not in the scratch set of pool BACKUP_DLY
N5940 Please mount one of the following media in device GROUP0:
N5941 1.<BLANK>
848 Backup operation Cancelled
Really, really need help as I have to backupn this server tonight or else face unemployment..
thankx in advance.....