Hello all, I am getting failure audits in my exchange server. I have arcserve 2000 loaded on my server with the exchange agent. In the mailbox resources screen of exchange administrator it shows DOMAIN\dbagent to be the windows NT account. However when you open up the properties for the individual mailboxes, it has the correct account mapping. dbagent is the account I created for ArcServe to access my Exchange database. It has organization, site and server level Service account admin rights. The only accounts that are giving me the failure audits are the ones that are showing up and the appropriate account mapping. For example instead of DOMAIN\dbagent it is DOMAIN\username. These are the ones giving me the failures. Going in and manualy changing the account mappings seem to have no effect. Any Ideas? Thanks very much for any help you may have. All Complaints Will Be Routed To /dev/null