this in conjunction with my last thread "failed to login to host server" well, I've deceided to uninstall/reinstall ARCserve to our novell 5 server.. What I'd like to know from anyone is what precautions to take.. I've done this before, but here I am doing it again.. things like: should I go through and delete the ques that it previously created in NDS? Do I recreate the que for it before I reinstall? Any help or ideas from anyone is greatly appreciated!! "tis better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool..
then open your mouth and remove all doubt" Mark Twain
"I should of been a doctor.." Me
this in conjunction with my last thread "failed to login to host server" well, I've deceided to uninstall/reinstall ARCserve to our novell 5 server.. What I'd like to know from anyone is what precautions to take.. I've done this before, but here I am doing it again.. things like: should I go through and delete the ques that it previously created in NDS? Do I recreate the que for it before I reinstall? Any help or ideas from anyone is greatly appreciated!! "tis better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool..
then open your mouth and remove all doubt" Mark Twain
"I should of been a doctor.." Me