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Arcserve 2K & Exchange2K with Agent #Does not backup databases 1

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Nov 12, 2001
For some reason Arcserve won't backup my Exchange2K databases (whole Information stores). I am successfully backing up the server with Open file agent and the brick level backs up fine.
I have tried different permutations of usernames including domain logins (domain\Administrator, administrator, dbagent) but the backup fails and doe’s not give any particular error message - just no databases backed up?
The backup starts and reports “connected with Exchange Agent at \\<server>”
It reports “0 databases backed up” then “Backup operation failed”

I have applied sp3 and sp4 for Arcserve2000 and have no idea what to try next. Please help!
Can you retrieve any extra information form the Exchange agent log ( dbaexch.log ) in the agent directory ??
Try to put the agent in debug level, see what you can get form there


I put the egent into debug level and got the following output in dbaexch.log...
12/05/02 11:14 Connect Exchange Backup Agent
12/05/02 11:14 dbaexchr.exe: Start Exchange backup using TCP/IP protocol

12/05/02 11:14 Socket receive time out = 0
12/05/02 11:14 Socket send time out = 0
12/05/02 11:14 Set Socket receive time out = 600000
12/05/02 11:14 Set Socket send time out = 600000
12/05/02 11:14 Disconnect Exchange Backup Agent

Still no real clues though?

When you debug the agent there is also a dbaexch.trc file which gives the debugging info.
Anything on this ??

I'm glad you know what your doing ;-)
The logon and permissions look fine but a couple of errors do occur... heres the info...

$ dbaexchr.exe: Privilege check O.K.
$ WinSocket sent() 8 bytes
$ dbaexchr.exe: opmode = 50
$ ERROR: RegQueryValueEx() failed for keyname [SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Setup], value name [Administrative Group]
$ isExchange2000() = 0

$ LoadLibrary(edbbcli.dll) successful
$ execute_dsa_commands() is called.
$ dbaexchr.exe:pRecvHeader->command = 87
$ execute_dsa_control() is called.
$ dbaexchr.exe:agentID = 1
dsaCmd = 0x3a
inlen = 21

$ DSAControl() is called, agent_id=0, command=58, input_size=21
$ dbaexchr.exe:DSAEndBackup() O.K.
$ WinSocket sent() 8 bytes
$ execute_dsa_control() is returned. rcode=0
$ dbaexchr.exe:pRecvHeader->command = 87
$ execute_dsa_control() is called.
$ dbaexchr.exe:agentID = 1
dsaCmd = 0x3c
inlen = 81

$ DSAControl() is called, agent_id=0, command=60, input_size=81
$ dbaexchr.exe:DSAEndBackup() O.K.
$ WinSocket sent() 8 bytes
$ execute_dsa_control() is returned. rcode=0
$ dbaexchr.exe:pRecvHeader->command = 86
$ execute_dsa_db_name() is called.
$ DSAEnumObjects is called: type = 1, buffer_size=2048
$ DSAEnumObjects()- get all database names:
$ Err: exch_db_names()- cannot get the path database Directory
$ Err: exch_db_names()- cannot get the path database private Information Store
$ Err: exch_db_names()- cannot get the path database public Information Store
$ dbaexchr.exe:DSAEnumObjects(TYPE_DB_NAME) O.K.
$ dbaexchr.exe: name_buf_len=0
$ WinSocket sent() 8 bytes
$ dbaexchr.exe:Sending name_buffer
$ execute_dsa_db_name() is returned. rcode=0
$ dbaexchr.exe:pRecvHeader->command = 80
$ command = DSA_EXIT_PROCESS
$ execute_dsa_commands() is returned. rcode=0
$ dbaexchr.exe: hDSACommandsDone was set!

It doesn't say alot to me I'm afraid I'm not much of an expert!

If u r doing a DB level backup.....
Open Regedt32.exe

change the value of &quot;Debug&quot; to &quot;1&quot;

If u r doing a Brick level backup
Open Regedt32.exe
change the value of &quot;Debug&quot; to &quot;3&quot;

Recycle the Backup Agent RPC Server service .


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