I need to set up a macro to query against the same group of 3 fields containing different values so that all results from each group are displayed at the same time. I also need to add a variable date range to this.
My code is as follows
'Status' >= "RESOLVED" AND ( ( 'Support-Region' = "UNITED STATES" AND 'Support-Desk' = "US-SAP" AND 'Support-Group' = "SAP CORE TEAM%" ) OR ( 'Support-Region' = "ASIA PACIFIC" AND 'Support-Desk' = "SAP" ) OR ('Support-Region' = "EMEA" AND 'Support-Desk' = "EMEA-SAP" ) OR ( 'Support-Region' = "GLOBAL" AND 'Support-Desk' = "SAP" AND 'Support-Group' = "FINANCE" ) ) AND ( '536870922' >= "$RESOLVED TICKETS START DATE$" AND '536870922' <= "$RESOLVED TICKETS ENDING DATE$ 11:59:59 PM")
When I run the code I get the following error
Format of date or time value is not recognized.: position 430 (...TS START DATE$"^ AND '536870922...) (ARERR 1590)
Can anybody help me resolve my date format problem?
My code is as follows
'Status' >= "RESOLVED" AND ( ( 'Support-Region' = "UNITED STATES" AND 'Support-Desk' = "US-SAP" AND 'Support-Group' = "SAP CORE TEAM%" ) OR ( 'Support-Region' = "ASIA PACIFIC" AND 'Support-Desk' = "SAP" ) OR ('Support-Region' = "EMEA" AND 'Support-Desk' = "EMEA-SAP" ) OR ( 'Support-Region' = "GLOBAL" AND 'Support-Desk' = "SAP" AND 'Support-Group' = "FINANCE" ) ) AND ( '536870922' >= "$RESOLVED TICKETS START DATE$" AND '536870922' <= "$RESOLVED TICKETS ENDING DATE$ 11:59:59 PM")
When I run the code I get the following error
Format of date or time value is not recognized.: position 430 (...TS START DATE$"^ AND '536870922...) (ARERR 1590)
Can anybody help me resolve my date format problem?