I wrote a crystal report to pull more information over for AR Aging. In order for this to be correct, I must run the process AGE CUSTOMER BALANCES.
However, the sales manager wants to use the Macola AR Aging. She said it ages each time the report runs. I thought the only time the AR Aging was accurate as far as in the correct buckets was at month end when I AGED CUSTOMER BALANCES. I told her running the report shows what has been added (invoices) and what has been paid...but as far as being in the correct "aged buckets" this is not updated until this process is ran.
Who is correct?
However, the sales manager wants to use the Macola AR Aging. She said it ages each time the report runs. I thought the only time the AR Aging was accurate as far as in the correct buckets was at month end when I AGED CUSTOMER BALANCES. I told her running the report shows what has been added (invoices) and what has been paid...but as far as being in the correct "aged buckets" this is not updated until this process is ran.
Who is correct?