I like to apply the Tabular Filter on the query for displaying all, null and not null values based on the parameter which is static value passed through value prompt.
When I select the static parameter value as 1 it should display records 1 and 3, if value as 2 then display only record 2 and if value as 3 then display all records.
Sample Table Data
iCode Name Code
----- ---- ----
100 abcd 102
101 efgh <nul>
102 aklm 100
Filter Expression:
CASE ?Parameter?
WHEN ('1') THEN (
I like to apply the Tabular Filter on the query for displaying all, null and not null values based on the parameter which is static value passed through value prompt.
When I select the static parameter value as 1 it should display records 1 and 3, if value as 2 then display only record 2 and if value as 3 then display all records.
Sample Table Data
iCode Name Code
----- ---- ----
100 abcd 102
101 efgh <nul>
102 aklm 100
Filter Expression:
CASE ?Parameter?
WHEN ('1') THEN (
WHEN ('2') THEN ([Code] IS NULL)
But when we validate the expression its giving a parsing error.
Is there any alternate way to achive this?