I'm having a brain fart on this and can't see the wood for the trees.
i have a table of transactions as follows
and another table to hold historic fxRates
bear in mind i'm helping someone else out and am not the developer (although the fx come from one of my scripts). To my mind the converted amount should be stored at the time of purchase...
i'm trying to write a report in a single currency. simplifying a lot this is my current state of play
and what I get are null values for those currencies that are not EUR.
I know that I can replace the inline fx rates get with a join instead, but when finished the table will be a reporting by month and will sum all the transactions in a single currency. hence the desire to do the conversion inline - or am I missing something and might a join still work?
i have a table of transactions as follows
CREATE TABLE `transactions` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`txtime` datetime NOT NULL,
`amount` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL,
`fee` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL,
`currency` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
and another table to hold historic fxRates
CREATE TABLE `fxRates` (
`date` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
`fxRate` float DEFAULT NULL,
`currency` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`date`,`currency`)
bear in mind i'm helping someone else out and am not the developer (although the fx come from one of my scripts). To my mind the converted amount should be stored at the time of purchase...
i'm trying to write a report in a single currency. simplifying a lot this is my current state of play
CAST(tx.txtime as DATE) as 'Transaction Date',
tx.currency as Currency,
tx.amount as 'Base Amount',
THEN tx.amount
ELSE tx.amount / (
SELECT fx.fxRate
FROM fxRates fx
fx.date <= CAST(tx.date as DATE)
HAVING MAX(fx.date)
END as 'Converted Amount'
transactions tx
txtime asc
and what I get are null values for those currencies that are not EUR.
I know that I can replace the inline fx rates get with a join instead, but when finished the table will be a reporting by month and will sum all the transactions in a single currency. hence the desire to do the conversion inline - or am I missing something and might a join still work?