I have a link that I would like to apply to an entire table row
At the moment I am using this (simplified for this example):
Now this is working fine although the right-click will only let me 'Save Target As...' when the right-click is donw over the 'dwgdownload.gif' image, not the rest of the table row.
I would like this right-click option to be available over the entire row. Is there a simple change I need to make or am I going about this the wrong way??
Thanks in advance
At the moment I am using this (simplified for this example):
<A HREF="images/dwg/boiler.dwg" onClick="alert('Right-click and select Save Target As... to download this DWG file'); return false;" TITLE="Right-click and select 'Save Target As...' to download this DWG file"><TR ID=dwg1><TD><IMG SRC="images/dwgdownload.gif"></TD><TD><P CLASS=option>download dwg</P></TD></TR></A>
Now this is working fine although the right-click will only let me 'Save Target As...' when the right-click is donw over the 'dwgdownload.gif' image, not the rest of the table row.
I would like this right-click option to be available over the entire row. Is there a simple change I need to make or am I going about this the wrong way??
Thanks in advance