I am new to SMS and software packaging and have an upgrade to do with an app (Documentum) that is dependant on Adobe Acrobat 4. I need to uninstall the application and uninstall Adobe reboot then install Adobe 6 and the new client and reboot again. I have made an uninstall script for both Adobe and the application as well as .MSI packages for the new apps. My question is does anybody have any advice on how to setup the scripts / packages so that the run correctly. Is there a way to chain all of these scripts and packages and reboots or would I be better off making two different packages, and uninstall and an install package? The real caveat is that the [highlight #FF99FF]end user cannot be without the application[/highlight] so it all has to be done at the same time. I haven’t tested to install or uninstalls to see if they will run without a person logged in. I will do the testing on this shortly, I just wanted to through my call for help out there.
Steps necessary:
DCTM 4.3 and DCTM Runtime 4.2 uninstall script
Adobe Acrobat 4.0 uninstall script
Reboot (SMS Reboots machine?)
Install Adobe Acrobat 6
Install Documentum 5.3 client .MSI
Reboot(SMS Reboots Machine again?)
Steps necessary:
DCTM 4.3 and DCTM Runtime 4.2 uninstall script
Adobe Acrobat 4.0 uninstall script
Reboot (SMS Reboots machine?)
Install Adobe Acrobat 6
Install Documentum 5.3 client .MSI
Reboot(SMS Reboots Machine again?)