I have a command button on a form that should return numbers that are missing from a sequence.
However when i press the button, it stalls and does not return the missing numbers.
The field filename usually appears in the form "Ongoing File N0.194"
If anyone can see any obvious problems perhaps they could give me a shout.
This probelm has only started since i put 90 records in the table.
When there was only 2 there was no problem
This is my code
Private Sub Command11_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim rsmyset As Recordset
Dim MyNum As Integer
Dim MyMiss As String
Dim MyX As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rsmyset = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Right([reference1.Filename],3) AS [File No] FROM Reference1 ORDER BY Right([Reference1.Filename],3); ", dbOpenSnapshot)
MyNum = rsmyset("file no"
MyMiss = "0"
For MyX = 180 To MyNum
If MyX = rsmyset("file no" Then
MyMiss = IIf(MyMiss = "0", MyX, MyMiss & ", " & MyX)
End If
Next MyX
Loop Until rsmyset.EOF
Set rsmyset = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
msgbox "Alert: We are missing the following Readings Files: " & MyMiss
End Sub
I have a command button on a form that should return numbers that are missing from a sequence.
However when i press the button, it stalls and does not return the missing numbers.
The field filename usually appears in the form "Ongoing File N0.194"
If anyone can see any obvious problems perhaps they could give me a shout.
This probelm has only started since i put 90 records in the table.
When there was only 2 there was no problem
This is my code
Private Sub Command11_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim rsmyset As Recordset
Dim MyNum As Integer
Dim MyMiss As String
Dim MyX As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rsmyset = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Right([reference1.Filename],3) AS [File No] FROM Reference1 ORDER BY Right([Reference1.Filename],3); ", dbOpenSnapshot)
MyNum = rsmyset("file no"
MyMiss = "0"
For MyX = 180 To MyNum
If MyX = rsmyset("file no" Then
MyMiss = IIf(MyMiss = "0", MyX, MyMiss & ", " & MyX)
End If
Next MyX
Loop Until rsmyset.EOF
Set rsmyset = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
msgbox "Alert: We are missing the following Readings Files: " & MyMiss
End Sub