Hi. I've created a DLL using LabView 6.0i and I'm using the functions in VB 6. I've set a declare sub statement so I can use the functions. When I run the code, I get an Application Error when it tries to use that function. The error says:
The instruction at "0x301fdf3b" referenced memory at "0x49ba5e35". The memory could not be "read".
I tried a simple DLL and I get the same error message but at difference address. I am trying to determine if my problem is in my VB code or my DLL. Does someone have any ideas?
Here's the code from my simple project:
The instruction at "0x301fdf3b" referenced memory at "0x49ba5e35". The memory could not be "read".
I tried a simple DLL and I get the same error message but at difference address. I am trying to determine if my problem is in my VB code or my DLL. Does someone have any ideas?
Here's the code from my simple project:
Private Declare Sub DegFtoDegC Lib "e:\temp2\app\Convert_Temp.dll" Alias "F_to_C" (ByVal degF As Double, ByRef degC As Double)
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim DegreeF As Double
Dim DegreeC As Double
DegreeF = Text1.Text
Call DegFtoDegC(DegreeF, DegreeC)
Text2.Text = DegreeC
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub