I would appreciate some help with this unique challenge.
a. We have an Internal Help Desk to help clients on site and and outsourced help desk (Black Belt) to help our offsite clients 24/7.
b. Due to budgetary constraints we want all Help Desk calls between 8:00 to 5:00 to be routed to our Internal Help Desk after 5:00 Internal Help Desk Calls got to voicemail and external Help Calls shout go to the outsourced help desk.
C. Black Belt Day was the original application and has worked well routing internal calls from an Option Prompt to Sub Option 1 which goes to an internal extension, Sub Option 2 goes to an internal extension which forwards the call to a 1-800#
D. In order to facilitate the new timings which includes weekend and holidays, I created a Black Belt night application and exported it and imported it into the Black Belt application.
The issue is I cannot get the Black Belt calls to stop routing in the day time without manually changing the extension at 8:00am and then at 5:00pm.
I would like to automate it so I do not have to touch the application every day.
I would appreciate it if any Nortel Guru could help me out with this challenge.
I have some experience with Nortel CS1000 and Application Builder, however I am self taught as training has never been an offered option, while that is not an excuse, I love what I do, and enjoy the learning experience.
Looking forward to your kind assistance to an Old Newbie