I have InDesign 2 and InDesign CS installed on the same computer. When I double-click on an INDD document, the system fires up whatever program is associated with it (currently InDesign CS). I am familiar with using the context menu and 'Get Info' to assign which program should open the file but I was hoping another way was possible for a classroom situation where others may not know...
Is it possible to have an AppleScript intercept the INDD from the Finder and then give a prompt so that the user can choose which version of InDesign should open it? I am very rusty on AppleScript. Can anyone offer some direction?
- - picklefish - -
Why is everyone in this forum responding to me as picklefish?
Is it possible to have an AppleScript intercept the INDD from the Finder and then give a prompt so that the user can choose which version of InDesign should open it? I am very rusty on AppleScript. Can anyone offer some direction?
- - picklefish - -
Why is everyone in this forum responding to me as picklefish?