I have a directory that flows as follows:
$ ls
20060701 20060707 20060713 20060719 20060725 20060731
20060702 20060708 20060714 20060720 20060726
20060703 20060709 20060715 20060721 20060727
20060704 20060710 20060716 20060722 20060728
20060705 20060711 20060717 20060723 20060729
20060706 20060712 20060718 20060724 20060730
This is what the inside of the directory looks like:
$ ls 20060701
CHKSUM.SHA1 mysql-20060701.sql.bz2 rt3-20060701.sql.bz2
cti-20060701.sql.bz2 ns1.tar.bz2 term-20060701.sql.bz2
configure.tar.bz2 ns3.tar.bz2 von-20060701.sql.bz2
xterm-20060701.sql.bz2 prod1.tar.bz2
All across the dates, the structure is the same. I'm looking for a way to append the date to files in those folders which don't have the date on them. Example prod1.tar.bz needs to be prod1-20060701.tar.bz
$ ls
20060701 20060707 20060713 20060719 20060725 20060731
20060702 20060708 20060714 20060720 20060726
20060703 20060709 20060715 20060721 20060727
20060704 20060710 20060716 20060722 20060728
20060705 20060711 20060717 20060723 20060729
20060706 20060712 20060718 20060724 20060730
This is what the inside of the directory looks like:
$ ls 20060701
CHKSUM.SHA1 mysql-20060701.sql.bz2 rt3-20060701.sql.bz2
cti-20060701.sql.bz2 ns1.tar.bz2 term-20060701.sql.bz2
configure.tar.bz2 ns3.tar.bz2 von-20060701.sql.bz2
xterm-20060701.sql.bz2 prod1.tar.bz2
All across the dates, the structure is the same. I'm looking for a way to append the date to files in those folders which don't have the date on them. Example prod1.tar.bz needs to be prod1-20060701.tar.bz