In my Dictionary I have several DOMDocuments. These are taken out of the dict with XMLDocAOHA. To append this document to a Node I have to convert the DomDocument to an IXMLNode. I'm using Xpath to do this.
Then I am adding the new XMLNode to XMLNodeBasisBody, but then I get Error 438. What causes this error?
(I have translated the comments to English)
Yes, the world is full of strange people.
Then I am adding the new XMLNode to XMLNodeBasisBody, but then I get Error 438. What causes this error?
If dicNummerAanduidingen.Exists(strHoofdAdres) Then
'as DomDocument
Set XMLDocAOHA = dicNummerAanduidingen.Item(strHoofdAdres)
'add to body, casted to node. doc is not ok
' selectsinglenode returns a node
Set XMLNode = XMLDocAOHA.selectSingleNode("/")
'As DomNode
Set XMLNode = dicNummerAanduidingen.Item(strHoofdAdres)
XMLNodeBasisBody.appendChild (XMLNode)
Err.Raise 32001, "Samengesteld.maakSamengesteldBericht", "No Hoofdadres found for " & strHoofdAdres
End If
(I have translated the comments to English)
Yes, the world is full of strange people.