Technical User
I have a table and form called patient info. It has Account # which is auto number And is P/K, first name, last name, address, city, state, zip, phone, DOB
I also have a table and form called add charge. In the table i have Patient acount, date of service from, date of service to, procedure, fee.
On the add charge form i have a combo box called patient account when using the wizard i selected info from the patient info table in the following manner, last name, first name, date of birth, account number. when all is done displays 3 columns last name, first name, DOB
and is stored into the patient account field in the add charge table
The combo box row source property is this
SELECT [Patient Info].[Account#], [Patient Info].[Last Name] & ", " & [Patient Info].[First Name] & " " & [Patient Info].MI, [Patient Info].[Date Of Birth] FROM [Patient Info];
I also have a table called payments which has the following patient account, date of service from, date of service to, procedure, modifer, fee
I'm trying use the append query using the add charge table
and append the fields to the payments table
In the query displays like this Patient account(last name, first name as one field) date of service from, date of service to, procedure, modifer, fee.
When i appen those fields into the payments table it only displays patient account# in the the patient account in the payments table. . Is there any way that to display patient name instead like it does in the query.
I also have a table and form called add charge. In the table i have Patient acount, date of service from, date of service to, procedure, fee.
On the add charge form i have a combo box called patient account when using the wizard i selected info from the patient info table in the following manner, last name, first name, date of birth, account number. when all is done displays 3 columns last name, first name, DOB
and is stored into the patient account field in the add charge table
The combo box row source property is this
SELECT [Patient Info].[Account#], [Patient Info].[Last Name] & ", " & [Patient Info].[First Name] & " " & [Patient Info].MI, [Patient Info].[Date Of Birth] FROM [Patient Info];
I also have a table called payments which has the following patient account, date of service from, date of service to, procedure, modifer, fee
I'm trying use the append query using the add charge table
and append the fields to the payments table
In the query displays like this Patient account(last name, first name as one field) date of service from, date of service to, procedure, modifer, fee.
When i appen those fields into the payments table it only displays patient account# in the the patient account in the payments table. . Is there any way that to display patient name instead like it does in the query.