I have a database that is used by multiple users. I've create an MDE database to accomodate this. In this database I have a form that all my users can access, usually at the same time. What this form does is similar to an invoicing system where each user gets a new invoice number when they access this form. This part works fine. On this form is a command button that runs an append query to add the details of each users invoice to an 'Invoice Detail' table. The user keys the details on a subform. What is happening is that when a user hits this command button, the data is duplicated, sometimes triples in the Invoice Detail table. This problem happens 60% of the time and it's baffling me. My append query is standard where its just adding fields from the subform to the Invoice Detail table. To add, I also have a delete/clear table query that clears the data from this subform. What happens in this scenario is that if two users are using this form at the same time and one finishes before the next, user two's info gets clears prematurely. This makes it seems like the database is not really shared. I know that this is a mouth full, but can someone PLEASE shed some light and help me out on this?
Thanks for your help and time.
Thanks for your help and time.