Technical User
Our Db uses an invoice system that has a main form and a subform. The Main form holds general data, such as invoice number, client id, etc.
The subform holds service data, such as service type, date of service , employee times and charges with the subtotals etc.
The two tables are linked in the relationships in this manner;
The main form is related to the subform using referntial Integrity plus Cascade Update Related fields and Cascade Delete Related records.
What has to happen is that an append query will append records by date (from the main form to an archive table.
The subform records need to be appended to an archive table as well. Both Archive tables are a direct copy from the main accounts and accounts data tables.
The queries I have used are as below
The main query for the main form is
and the subform append query is
However while the main append query works, the append query will append all the data,. How can I get the subform data to append in relation to the mainform data. (ie; the Invoice number and its associated subform data). Hope I have explained this ok.
Many thanks,
Our Db uses an invoice system that has a main form and a subform. The Main form holds general data, such as invoice number, client id, etc.
The subform holds service data, such as service type, date of service , employee times and charges with the subtotals etc.
The two tables are linked in the relationships in this manner;
The main form is related to the subform using referntial Integrity plus Cascade Update Related fields and Cascade Delete Related records.
What has to happen is that an append query will append records by date (from the main form to an archive table.
The subform records need to be appended to an archive table as well. Both Archive tables are a direct copy from the main accounts and accounts data tables.
The queries I have used are as below
The main query for the main form is
INSERT INTO Accounts_Archived ( ACS, CompanyID, BrokerStaffID, InvoiceNumber, DateRaised, DueDate, DateRcvd, ClientID, Firstname, Lastname, FileNo, Dept, EntBy, Companyname, Contact, ATTN, DTotal, NTT, PNT, SST, SUNT, PWTT, PHT, WORKHRS, Totals, GST, Contrib, SubTotal, InvoiceTotal, BalDue, AmmtRcvd, Notes, NONPrintNotes, CreditN, CreditT, BHRr, BDR, BNR, BPwknR, BPWndR, BSatr, BSunr, BPHR, InvGST, BillingAddress, ChqNo, PD, BC, InvTotal, AcctName, acType, Tax, AcctType, SAcct, Cost, ContRqd, CHK20, CHK21, [BY], PS, EPrint, Nextofkin, QueryInv, VRT, PO, NOKL, [Month], CurrencyType, AccountNo, Code, GstSgn, DebitTotal, ContractNo, DateEM, ChkSt, Discount, CostC, MultiInv, FP, AllocAmt, Signoff, [Date], DataChck, DataSign, Snd, CoNo, TypeOS, HDay, PPMt )
SELECT Accounts08.ACS, Accounts08.CompanyID, Accounts08.BrokerStaffID, Accounts08.InvoiceNumber, Accounts08.DateRaised, Accounts08.DueDate, Accounts08.DateRcvd, Accounts08.ClientID, Accounts08.Firstname, Accounts08.Lastname, Accounts08.FileNo, Accounts08.Dept, Accounts08.EntBy, Accounts08.Companyname, Accounts08.Contact, Accounts08.ATTN, Accounts08.DTotal, Accounts08.NTT, Accounts08.PNT, Accounts08.SST, Accounts08.SUNT, Accounts08.PWTT, Accounts08.PHT, Accounts08.WORKHRS, Accounts08.Totals, Accounts08.GST, Accounts08.Contrib, Accounts08.SubTotal, Accounts08.InvoiceTotal, Accounts08.BalDue, Accounts08.AmmtRcvd, Accounts08.Notes, Accounts08.NONPrintNotes, Accounts08.CreditN, Accounts08.CreditT, Accounts08.BHRr, Accounts08.BDR, Accounts08.BNR, Accounts08.BPwknR, Accounts08.BPWndR, Accounts08.BSatr, Accounts08.BSunr, Accounts08.BPHR, Accounts08.InvGST, Accounts08.BillingAddress, Accounts08.ChqNo, Accounts08.PD, Accounts08.BC, Accounts08.InvTotal, Accounts08.AcctName, Accounts08.acType, Accounts08.Tax, Accounts08.AcctType, Accounts08.SAcct, Accounts08.Cost, Accounts08.ContRqd, Accounts08.CHK20, Accounts08.CHK21, Accounts08.BY, Accounts08.PS, Accounts08.EPrint, Accounts08.Nextofkin, Accounts08.QueryInv, Accounts08.VRT, Accounts08.PO, Accounts08.NOKL, Accounts08.Month, Accounts08.CurrencyType, Accounts08.AccountNo, Accounts08.Code, Accounts08.GSTSgn, Accounts08.DebitTotal, Accounts08.ContractNo, Accounts08.DateEM, Accounts08.ChkSt, Accounts08.Discount, Accounts08.CostC, Accounts08.MultiInv, Accounts08.FP, Accounts08.AllocAmt, Accounts08.Signoff, Accounts08.Date, Accounts08.DataChck, Accounts08.DataSign, Accounts08.Snd, Accounts08.CoNo, Accounts08.TypeOS, Accounts08.HDay, Accounts08.PPmt
FROM Accounts08
WHERE (((Accounts08.ACS)="Paid") AND ((Accounts08.DateRaised) Between [Forms]![subfrmCompany-EOY]![txtStartDate] And [Forms]![subfrmCompany-EOY]![txtEndDate]));
and the subform append query is
INSERT INTO tblAccountsDataArch ( ACS, BrokerStaffID, ClientID, Firstname, Lastname, Dept, EntBy, Companyname, Client, Start, Fin, D1, N1, PN1, SS1, Sun1, PW1, PH1, PPHR1, La1, TWHrs, STotal, StGST, GST, InvGST, InvoiceNumber, StaffID, SFirstname, SLastname, Odost, OdoEnd, ODTotal, NGST, TDiff, SDate, AD, EPrint, QTY, CostC, Exp, TSchk, Chk1 )
SELECT tblAccountsData.ACS, tblAccountsData.BrokerStaffID, tblAccountsData.ClientID, tblAccountsData.Firstname, tblAccountsData.Lastname, tblAccountsData.Dept, tblAccountsData.EntBy, tblAccountsData.Companyname, tblAccountsData.Client, tblAccountsData.Start, tblAccountsData.Fin, tblAccountsData.D1, tblAccountsData.N1, tblAccountsData.PN1, tblAccountsData.SS1, tblAccountsData.Sun1, tblAccountsData.PW1, tblAccountsData.PH1, tblAccountsData.PPHR1, tblAccountsData.La1, tblAccountsData.TWHrs, tblAccountsData.STotal, tblAccountsData.StGST, tblAccountsData.GST, tblAccountsData.InvGST, tblAccountsData.InvoiceNumber, tblAccountsData.StaffID, tblAccountsData.SFirstname, tblAccountsData.SLastname, tblAccountsData.Odost, tblAccountsData.OdoEnd, tblAccountsData.ODTotal, tblAccountsData.NGST, tblAccountsData.TDiff, tblAccountsData.SDate, tblAccountsData.AD, tblAccountsData.EPrint, tblAccountsData.QTY, tblAccountsData.CostC, tblAccountsData.Exp, tblAccountsData.TSchk, tblAccountsData.Chk1
FROM tblAccountsData;
Many thanks,