Technical User
I have an excel spreadsheet that I use to map data that I recieve from various sites. Once the spreadsheet does its magic, I then use an Access VB routine to update the access database using a few SQL statements to identify and delete the old data, then a docmd.transferspreadheet function to import the spreadsheet into a table in access that has the exact same field names as the spreadsheet. Then finally I run an append query to update the appropriate table with acces itself. My problem is, I have to export the Access database to my local computer, run the routine described above and then reimport the database back to my web hosts server. I want to be able to do this all from an asp page, or a suggested better route than downloading and uploading my entire database. Here is a copy of the Access VB routine I run incase it helps:
Private Sub UpdateAZHHA_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_UpdateAZHHA_Click
Dim delAZHHAtbl As String
Dim delAZ As String
Dim appendAZ As String
delAZ = "DELETE tblOrders.*, tblWorksites.ClientID FROM tblWorksites INNER JOIN tblOrders ON tblWorksites.WorksiteID = tblOrders.WorksiteID WHERE (((tblWorksites.ClientID)=5))"
appendAZ = "INSERT INTO tblOrders ( WorksiteID, StatusID, SpecialtyID, ShiftID, DisciplineID, BonusPaidBy, Notes, StartDate, EndDate, CertIMPFLD )SELECT AZHHA.WorksiteID, AZHHA.StatusID, AZHHA.SpecialtyID, AZHHA.ShiftID, AZHHA.DisciplineID, AZHHA.BonusPaidby, AZHHA.Notes, AZHHA.StartDate, AZHHA.EndDate, AZHHA.CertIMPFLD FROM AZHHA"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL delAZHHAtbl
DoCmd.RunSQL delAZ
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "AZHHA", _
"C:\COMS\AZHHAimport.xls", _
True, "Import!"
DoCmd.RunSQL appendAZ
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_UpdateAZHHA_Click
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateAZHHA_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_UpdateAZHHA_Click
Dim delAZHHAtbl As String
Dim delAZ As String
Dim appendAZ As String
delAZ = "DELETE tblOrders.*, tblWorksites.ClientID FROM tblWorksites INNER JOIN tblOrders ON tblWorksites.WorksiteID = tblOrders.WorksiteID WHERE (((tblWorksites.ClientID)=5))"
appendAZ = "INSERT INTO tblOrders ( WorksiteID, StatusID, SpecialtyID, ShiftID, DisciplineID, BonusPaidBy, Notes, StartDate, EndDate, CertIMPFLD )SELECT AZHHA.WorksiteID, AZHHA.StatusID, AZHHA.SpecialtyID, AZHHA.ShiftID, AZHHA.DisciplineID, AZHHA.BonusPaidby, AZHHA.Notes, AZHHA.StartDate, AZHHA.EndDate, AZHHA.CertIMPFLD FROM AZHHA"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL delAZHHAtbl
DoCmd.RunSQL delAZ
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "AZHHA", _
"C:\COMS\AZHHAimport.xls", _
True, "Import!"
DoCmd.RunSQL appendAZ
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_UpdateAZHHA_Click
End Sub