Whenever I call GMW_DB_Open, I get an invalid page fault in GM6S32.DLL, followed by an invalid page fault in SSSCC.DLL.
Am I screwing up the call or something? I can call most other functions alright, but I need to open the database before I can actually use them.
I'm running visual basic 6 SP5 on a win98 box.
Public Declare Function GMW_DB_Open Lib "GM6S32.dll" (ByVal sTableName As String) As Long
Public Declare Function GMW_DB_Close Lib "GM6S32.dll" (ByVal lArea As Long) As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim lWorkArea As Long
lWorkArea = GMW_DB_Open("CONTACT1") 'crash here, execution halts
GMW_DB_Close lWorkArea
End Sub
I'm running visual basic 6 SP5 on a win98 box.