I use the function below, (which calls SHELLEXECUTE),to create the bullzip config file.
= ExecuteShell("BZCONFIG.EXE", "", "", ' /S
ShowSettings "NEVER"')
Sadly, I have to make 4 sepatrate calls, which takes time, as I have to wait about 1.5 seconds between each call to be sure that the previous call has completed successfully.
I contacted BullZip regarding 1 call with multiple settings, and got the following response.
Sorry. One setting one call. If you want
to set multiple settings in a more elegant
way then you can use the API.
Does anyone know where I can some sample code as a starting point. I tried BullZip's site, but it was beyond my scope of knowledge.
= ExecuteShell("BZCONFIG.EXE", "", "", ' /S
ShowSettings "NEVER"')
Sadly, I have to make 4 sepatrate calls, which takes time, as I have to wait about 1.5 seconds between each call to be sure that the previous call has completed successfully.
I contacted BullZip regarding 1 call with multiple settings, and got the following response.
Sorry. One setting one call. If you want
to set multiple settings in a more elegant
way then you can use the API.
Does anyone know where I can some sample code as a starting point. I tried BullZip's site, but it was beyond my scope of knowledge.