All I'm trying to do is have Apache load the web page from a directory I specify. Right now it's pointed at /var/ I want it to go to /var/intranet/html
The other thing I'm trying to do is log in as a user and have ftp access to the /var/intranet/html directory with full control permissions.
I've read all the info I could get a hold of this past week and instead of gaining knowledge I'm just getting really confused. I've installed MySQL for authentication and have tried ProFTP with no luck I've configured files left and right and still no go. Any suggestions are welcomed! Thanks.
The other thing I'm trying to do is log in as a user and have ftp access to the /var/intranet/html directory with full control permissions.
I've read all the info I could get a hold of this past week and instead of gaining knowledge I'm just getting really confused. I've installed MySQL for authentication and have tried ProFTP with no luck I've configured files left and right and still no go. Any suggestions are welcomed! Thanks.